Follow-up on victim of judicial abuse syndrome Lori Saxon regarding her December 4th proceeding before judge Jeanette Clark DC Superior Court. Judge finally gets the picture that her ex husband has been lying to the court and commands discovery and subpoena power for Lori to expose the fraud on the court both here and in … Read more


December 2 2012 back in the United States Supreme Court responding to court clerk Jeffrey Atkins criminal acts of November 29 and his mail fraud by refusing to enter documents onto the docket, destruction of timestamps from court papers, making false statements as to material facts in letters being sent to unsuspecting victim/petitioner… Also meeting … Read more


December 1st 2012 US Supreme Court and the United States post office Washington DC serving notice on all of our Supreme Court justices, they are required to produce attested copies of their oath of office by December 7 2012. Will be in violation of five USC 2902-2906. Also an open invitation for anyone who is … Read more


Arlington County Virginia, yet another judge’s tricked by Virginia Commonwealth attorney Jason McCandless into keeping Ashlie Mae O’Brien in illegal coercive confinement as motion papers will show in case number case number Circuit Court 12 – 2170 alleging Dolores had misinterpreted the intent of the rule and the court had no jurisdiction. Both McCandless and … Read more


Arlington County Virginia Commonwealth’s attorney Jason McCandless continues his pattern of fraud on the court. By missing filing dates. Failing to respond to motions for summary judgment, and failing to provide evidence that Ashlie Mae O’Brien is being cared for properly. Latest reports show that medical records Ashley was never treated for December 7th 2011 … Read more


Follow-up visit with Lori Saxon victim of judicial abuse syndrome and fraud on the court by her ex-husband and his family members, and his insider connections with the court in three states. To threaten and intimidate and harass Lori and her daughter, who Todd Zirkle and his relatives in New Jersey use the courts to … Read more


November 28 2012 road trip to the US Supreme Court to file motion papers and memorandum regarding the mailing to all members of the Senate and House of the United States seeking an investigation into the corruption within the clerks office of the United States Supreme Court and failure to adhere to the court rules … Read more


Road trip to the Congressional mail center Washington DC to mail all 545 letters to Congress requesting help with the Supreme Court of the United States clerks office, work Clark of the court/caseworker Clayton Higgins who refuses to do the job. I’m following his orders by petitioning all members of the US Supreme Court to … Read more


This 500 th, program deals with updates 10 updates on 10 victims of judicial abuse, judicial fraud’s, kidnapping , and child trafficking of the worst kind which is being reported to all 535 members of the U.S. House and Senate the United States through a mass mailing November 26 2012.to be followed up by lobbying … Read more


Review of all order 1n case # 11-10611 & 11-A-1157 reveals only unsigned orders as witnessed by two parties in violation of Md. Constitution Article IV. § 1 of the Maryland Constitution requires that our courts be courts of record” this requirement is then interpreted to require that court orders be in writing and not … Read more