FBI police refused to allow citizen who had made an appointment with the duty officer entry into the FBI building Washington, DC, even after talking to and on-duty agent. Both the agent on duty and FBI police officer refused to identify themselves fully with their names and badge numbers so that a complaint could be … Read more


Interviews with and children’s hero Doctor Jim Singer who risk everything to report solid case of child abuse to his superiors and the courts only to be destroyed by the Pennsylvania child protective services agents and their superiors the same parties in the Jerry Sandusky Penn State cover-up . this American hero risk everything to … Read more


January 29, 2013. Road trip to the Court of Appeals for the city of Washington DC, the DC Superior Court and the executive offices of the District of Columbia Police Department. To pick up 2013 press passes for Maryland court watch news, Lori Saxon discovered once again see how the courts are protecting, the criminal … Read more


Road trip to Richmond, Virginia to visit the court of appeals and Virginia Supreme Court. With Janice Grenadier a victim of the corrupt Alexandrian city Circuit Court and it’s judges, court clerk, and insiders of the court a Aloma Grenadier. Second wife of judge Grenadier and corrupted attorney who’s using their insider status to fleece … Read more


January 28, 2013 road trip to Arlington County VA. court to get court reporters credentials required by the Sheriff Department and also filing. Notice with commonwealths attorney regarding visitation rights to Ashlie Mae O’Brien. Plus. Trip to Richmond, Virginia court of appeals to file an emergency motion for visitation rights to Ashley and obtained court … Read more


Audio transcript of the Maryland Court of special appeals proceeding October 11, 2012 witnessed by George McDermott with video enhancements so that the court of appeals judges can see for themselves the full statements being advanced in their court. By the appellees attorneys in the furtherance of a fraud and conspiracy. Against the court and … Read more


Road trip to Annapolis, Maryland January 28, 2013 to file legal papers for Jean Michaud to the Court of Appeals regarding her appeal asserting fraud and ineffective legal counsel which the Court of Special Appeals witnessed November 5 2012 at oral arguments, plus visit to the State House to deliver request to all members of … Read more


Calvert County judicial center attempting to pick up the sham medical evaluation of victim Jean Michaud ordered by corrupt public defender Allison O’Connell and her supervisors protecting the Calvert County Sheriff’s office and corrupt judges responsible for the theft of Jean Michaud’s property . he Hfalse imprisonment , .denial of a jury trial,. an Afalse … Read more


Entering Calvert County, Maryland January 18, 2013 a corrupt County controlled by judge Krug , , judge, Clagett, , judge, Riddle and another within the judicial system protecting the criminal misconduct of Sheriff Evans and his deputies . who use the courts to steal property for their buddy/court insider Paul Monger one really corrupt realtor/developer … Read more


Road trip to Washington, DC January 14, 2013 to DC Court of Appeals to review the case files of Lori Saxon and for filing of Lori Saxon’s 4th Ammended Motion for Enlargement of time to file Appellants Brief and the supporting Affadavit of George McDermott with Secret Justice.com news cronicalling the events of January 14, … Read more