August 20, 2013 back at the landed the scam in the home of the fraud Prince George’s County Maryland Circuit Court filing motions to strike all the fraudulent unsigned orders of the Maryland court of special deals for gangsters. After notifying the U.S. Postal Service of the use of fraudulent unsigned unconstitutional orders. Also checking … Read more


August 18, 2013 Fraudulent mail keeps coming in August 18, 2013 New Jersey clerks of the court once again obstructing justice covering up for the criminal acts of Russell F Anderson in New Jersey circuit court, probate court, and appellate courts. Illegally returning properly filed motions which were delivered by victim Lori Saxon August 5, … Read more


August 11, 2013 trying to notify the FBI of mail fraud, obstruction of justice, conspiracy to, defile eight. The legal and civil rights of citizens, racketeering, and obstruction of justice by the court issuing unsigned orders by the hundreds of thousands to steal citizens rights, liberties and properties under color of law and authority, once … Read more


August 11, 2013 Notified the US postmaster general seeking a criminal investigation of the courts use of unsigned orders which are not authorized by the Constitution. But our mail to litigants by the hundreds of thousands through the US mail, creating mail fraud 101, and conspiracy to deprive civil litigants of their rights, liberties and … Read more


August 19, 2013, winding up these events after visiting and verifying the record at the Prince George’s County Circuit Court, Maryland Court of Appeals, Maryland court of special appeals, Maryland archives, and finally back to PG circuit court building delivering motion. Striking all orders as frauds not in conformity with the Constitution. Which Maryland judges … Read more


August 13, 2013 19th anniversary of when judge Tom Smith in this gangster brothers stole my business from me. See earlier shows. 19 years later, all the orders that were unsigned overturning all jury verdicts in my favor and all appeals to the Maryland court of special deals for gangsters are legally null and void. … Read more


August 6, 2013 putting the Maryland Court Of Special Deals For Gangsters. And the Circuit Court for Prince George’s County on notice that the.latest sham order unsigned by the appellate court and its mandate or fraudulent and must be stricken from the record. Review of case file in the appellate court.revealed every order was unsigned … Read more


August 6, 2013 visit to the Secretary of State for Maryland’s attempting to get signed judicial oath of office of Baltimore city circuit judge the Honorable Judge Fader’s Oath of Office in cases 03C13001716, 03C13001716, and 03C13001777 filed in the Circuit Court for Baltimore County.because the circuit court clerk’s office claims it does not have … Read more


Maryland court watch news the victims roundtable. Response to Sen. Bill Nelson’s of Florida office request regarding. Bill Gottlieb’s his constituents theft of property in the keys. By hand delivering information showing that the foreclosures on his property both in Maryland and in Florida were executed with false deeds of trust falsified by Shapiro in … Read more


Executive members and attendees to the 2013 whistleblowers conference Washington DC assemble at the US Department of Agriculture. To send a message that they are in solidarity with USDA coalition of minority employees and minority and disenfranchised farmers who have been victimized by field agents and who acting under color of law and authority have … Read more