jury finds for the defendant NOT GUILTY . Even though special prosecutor and judge suppressed evidence showing that defendant was not only wrongfully charged but rising Sun police department agents falsely arrested her after use of a stun gun on her arresting officers implicated the sheriff and other deputies/law enforcement agents complicity in suing criminal … Read more


November 8 2021 Part one of 2 alleged unbonded special prosecutor privately retained by James Dallmeyer to persecute and prosecute Sherry Eveland arriving at court victim did not take the plea deal and force the matter to trial where massive irregularities were witnessed by George McDermott and Mark Tommy bringing into question the competency of … Read more


November 4 2021 Sherry Eveland receives information from her attorney on November 4, 2021 that Judge Baines and alleged special prosecutor Stephen Kroll will try to force her to take a plea agreement on November 8 2021 or they would seek to have her declared mentally incompetent and possibly put in the Perkins mental institution … Read more


10/14/2021 road trip to Elkton, Maryland to assist a victim of judicial corruption and conspiracy involving Cecil County Maryland states Attorney James Dellmyer’s office. State police covering up the theft of 18+ million dollars from the estate of James Ray Charles all judges in Cecil County complicit in theft and cover-up by court insider court … Read more


United States Department of Justice agents conspiring with the court’s to frustrate freedom of information request DOJ unsigned response of 09/29/21be filed with the court case Maryland 1:20 – CV – 3010. As proof of obstruction of justice and noncompliance with F IA request.08/29/2021 CLICK to view the file: HERE


follow-up to the ongoing corruption in Charles County Maryland court system Timothy Fowler interview October 4, 2021, outlining how judges conspired to have him falsely imprisoned and possibly murdered to steal his family’s inheritance, and legal properties. CLICK to view the file: HERE


County Circuit Court clerk’s offices , denying access to the courts under color of law and authority with more unsigned unverifiable court orders see related programs 1473 through 1477 judicial cover-up, 101. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Update on what started it all , GOVERNMENTS Corporate frauds and COVERUPS involving the illegal theft of George McDermott’s businesses and properties by corrupt members of corporate Maryland’s judges and court clerks. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Report on court events 09/27/2021 MD CSA & COA court clerk’s offices notifying same of CSA court’s latest forged unsigned orders without legal jurisdiction or authority as case was already docketed 09/16/2020 1C attachment for proof order of removal received 09/2027/2021 by USPS mail CLICK to view the file: HERE