April 17, 2015 road trip to Baltimore Maryland penitentiary and also to meet Sherry Eveland at probate court for Baltimore. Where case was removed to. Interview outside of penitentiary reveals Richard Reinheimer purportedly still kept in solitary confinement based on an unsigned order by Judge Ross and judge Campen Queen Anne’s County Maryland. As prior … Read more


April 7, 2015 road trip to Annapolis to deliver emergency request to the house and Senate before adjournment. That someone produce the constitutional amendment authorizing or appellate courts to issue unsigned orders. And are district and circuit courts to recognize these sham unsigned orders. CLICK to view the file: HERE


April 7, 2015 upper Marlboro Maryland. Clerk of the court Sidney Harrison’s office cannot furnish an oath of office for judge Denton. Picked up criminal complaint form to file against Barbara Lipitor and John Noonan four attempted theft of a quarter million dollars in the McDermott’s property. With co-conspirators the Atlantic law group part of … Read more


Leaving U.S. Postal Service after mailing off court filings seeking a jury trial in Circuit Court against squatter John Noonan and Barbara Lipitor. Conspiring with the Atlantic law group in the attempted theft of the court of Maine dollars in the McDermott’s property, being forwarded by court insiders. And judges. CLICK to view the file: … Read more


Leaving courthouse in upper Marlboro, court clerk Sidney Harrison not available. No answer as to the constitutionality of unsigned orders. Or to the fact that judge Denton does not have an oath of office on file yet he is sitting in on cases. Affecting the rights and liberties of Maryland citizens under color of law … Read more


April 6, 2015 filing a demand with the clerk of the court Sidney Harrison. For proof of the constitutional amendment that allows the court clerks office and judges to recognize unsigned orders from appellate courts and others. Which cannot be authenticated or validated. And do not comply with the Constitution/common-law. CLICK to view the file: … Read more


Wrapping up events in upper Marlboro Maryland. It appears now that judge Tilson Adams who has been acting inappropriately for 20 years in McDermott cases has now sealed the oath books and ozone offices of all judges. To conceal the fact that sham judges have been brought into dismiss cases against honest citizens. On a … Read more