
Organizer Janice Wolk Grenadier from pro se America.net reads a response from the US Justice Department chief of the civil rights division that says pro se litigants in the United States surrender all their rights to due process at law, all their rights to access to law libraries, and public information, and all rights to … Read more


PDF of places of interest. The march stopped, starting at the US capital, continuing to the US Justice Department and FBI headquarters, continuing to the national archives and then to the news museum winding up on East lawn of the United States capital adjacent to the US Supreme Court. Where lawyers and laypersons joined together … Read more


Leaving the Maryland court of special deals for gangsters, April 22, 2015. Once again, the court refuses to produce signed orders. Appointing judges for terms exceeding the constitutional limits. Which allowed the courts judge Campen, and judge Ross of Queen in County Maryland to falsely imprisoned Richard Reinheimer. And destruction of his family. All based … Read more


The speeches of the Congressman speak for themselves. We are a nation of laws, rules, equality and equal protection under those laws and rules must prevail. Cronyism and insiders. Protecting wrong doors must be exposed within the system. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Continuing coverage of the March 2 justice event at the US Capitol. Where no less than six US Congressman. Attended and gave speeches on the importance of adherence to the rule of law and our congresses responsibility to the same. CLICK to view the file: HERE


April 21, 2015. Covering the March 2 justice from New York City to Washington DC demanding equality in our courts and honor in our courts. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Winding up days affairs April 20, 2015 Baltimore penitentiary intake office. No one can find Richard Reinheimer. Where he’s being detained even with the assistance of his inmate number which he mailed to the Warden. Filing of papers with Baltimore city probate court for Sherry Ray EVeland. Case transferred from Elkton Maryland. CLICK to view … Read more


Business concluded all senators mailed invitations and request to investigate. Criminal misuse of our US mail by courts clerks. And judges under 18 U.S.C. § 1346 CLICK to view the file: HERE


U.S. post office picking up 100 stamps to mail additional copies to all US Senators. Why does the U.S. Postal Service allow courts to get away with committing mail fraud. Issuing unsigned / illegal orders and sending through the mail. Honest services fraud refers to a 28-word sentence of 18 U.S.C. § 1346 (the federal … Read more


US Capital Mail Ctr., April 20th 2014 mailing every Congressman invitation to may first law day event at the US capital. And I request that they investigate the illegal use of unsigned orders being issued by court clerks both state and federal. CLICK to view the file: HERE