12/10/2015 Darlene Pinkerton outlines how the courts are making banks and foreclosure agents such as Jeffrey Nae Dell rich at the expense of the US taxpayer and in violation of the rules court. CLICK to view the file: HERE


12/10/2015 Calvert County Maryland sham foreclosure auction victim Darlene Pinkerton interview no required checks put up for bidders Jeffrey Nae Dell alleged to have purchased property which he foreclosed on with forge documents, from four different lenders with the court’s help CLICK to view the file: HERE


filing a official complaint with the US Postal Service criminal investigation unit seeking an investigation into the appellate courts of Maryland and other courts issuing unsigned orders and using the US mail service to defraud citizens of their due process rights at law and the legal property to cover-up for criminal misconduct of banks using … Read more


Friday, November 13, 2015. Follow-up Maryland Court Of Special Appeals And Court Of Appeals once again no signed orders. Court documents evidence clear cover up by insiders of the court. All the orders of judge Peter Krauser unsigned rubberstamp forgeries. Creating the appearance of fraud and deceit not to count failure to provide honest services … Read more


Friday, November 13, 2015 Maryland Treasurers office. Once again cannot find any documents requested from September 1, 2019 and many times before under the public information act, its unbelievable office personnel cannot find the tax ID number of the state. The bonding companies for the state. Or the related agencies for the corporate entities within … Read more


November 12, 2015 Howard County Circuit Court still covering up child-abuse and neglect recused judges stepping back in one case to intimidate mother. Testimony given that alcoholic father was turned in to Baltimore County child facilitator. But the court would hear nothing of that and continues to violate the rights of war Obama and her … Read more


Interview Janice Wolk Grenadier front of the US Supreme Court October 4, 2015. After hearing oral arguments in case number 14 – 990. As a victim of many many unsigned orders from appellate courts covering up the criminal misconduct of other court judges and court insiders. Janice was also falsely imprisoned because of these sham … Read more


Interview with Lori Saxon life October 4, 2015 US Supreme Court, victim of over 20 unsigned orders of the court covering up, mail fraud by court insiders, murder of her father-in-law, investment of her daughters rightful inheritance from the father-in-law. By political operatives in the highest places in federal government. A judicial branch it has … Read more


October 4, 2015 interviewing victim of Maryland’s corrupted judicial system who has lost millions of dollars through foreclosure fraud, probate fraud, and a criminal conspiracy by and between Maryland judges to assist court insiders in looting of family estate and denying access to all victims in the Maryland court system with unsigned, unauthorized, unverifiable sham … Read more


October 4, 2015 United States Supreme Court interviewing independent candidate for US president 2016 Barry Lester Johnson running on campaign of judicial and legislative reform stating that the legislative executive and judicial branches of government are committing treason against the Constitution and rule of law. CLICK to view the file: HERE