12/15/2015 Leaving Probate Court, Baltimore city judge Bernstein orders that no documents to be received by the court and put into the record regarding probate fraud case transferred from Cecil County Maryland Sherry Ray Eveland, proof of conspiracy between judges beyond reasonable doubt CLICK to view the file: HERE


12/15/2015 Victim Mark Tomie stands up for his rights in Harrisburg Pennsylvania calls out the judge for being biased and prejudice and failing to honor the oath of office and the office the judge holds. States on the record to judges participating in an ongoing bankruptcy fraud prohibited under nine – 3100 of the Justice … Read more


12/15/2015 Harrisburg Pennsylvania Bankruptcy Court victim Mark Tomie once again being destroyed by corrupt judges. As he was in Maryland courts and Maryland probate courts are working in lockstep to destroy his family and cover-up judicial fraud and corruption part one CLICK to view the file: HERE


12/14/2015 leaving courthouse PG County after perfecting notice of appeal paying for the same once again and delivering copies to respective judges and Sidney Harrison clerk of court. Who as of this 31st day of December 2015 clerk or none of the judges have responded to demand for proof of law allowing them to destroy … Read more


12/14/15 PG County Circuit Court having to file yet another notice of appeal of judge El Amim fraudulent orders of October 27, 2015 in secret furthering conspiracy against rights. Case already on appeal judge had no jurisdiction or legal authority to issue orders. CLICK to view the file: HERE


12/12/2015 PG County MD police substation East over Maryland attempted to file criminal charges against squatter John Noonan for filing false papers with the Police Department. Regarding incident of December 12, 2015. Report being forwarded to D, McDermott detective. CLICK to view the file: HERE


12/12/2015 Emergency call from neighbor 8324 Bock Rd. squatter John Noonan presents false evidence to Police Department as to ownership of property which is refuted by the title received December 11, 2015, James R Manship now co-conspirators with Noonan and the courts. CLICK to view the file: HERE


12/12/2015 George McDermott making a record in filing motions alerting the court as to fraud destruction court documents and conspiracy to cover-up by court Judges & clerk CLICK to view the file: HERE


12/11/2015 Making a record of service to co-conspirators by US mail. CLICK to view the file: HERE


12/11/2015 Leaving Court, Annex land records division after being denied access to oath books or oath of office also after receiving triple sealed copy of title to property at 8324 Bock Rd., Fort, WA Maryland affirm to be in George and Patricia McDermott’s name as of 12/1I/2015. CLICK to view the file: HERE