12/23/2015 George McDermott Maryland Court Watch NEWS as a court watcher preparing to go in and witness proceedings of JW Grenadier before hostile court judge Clark who was served if subpoenas on December 21. And should recuse himself from all proceedings Doubtful He Will ??? CLICK to view the file: HERE


12/22/2015 interview with JW Grenadier With Pro Se America.Net US Court of Appeals building Washington DC after her filing motions for new trials based on the misconduct of judges and furthering frauds against our citizens and herself. Involving these court judges in over 20 more state and federal judges conspiring against rights of victims under … Read more


12/22/2015 United States Court of Appeals Washington DC making a record after serving subpoenas on for additional for additional US federal judges for failure to prevent and regarding JW Grenadier’s writ of prohibition commanding judges to be reviewed by their superiors for misconduct of office. CLICK to view the file: HERE


12/22/2013 mailing off first batch of 30 request from Maryland court watch news to every circuit judge for the state of Maryland. Asking if they can identify the constitutional amendment allowing judges to subvert the law and issue unsigned orders or recognize unsigned orders sent by USPS. CLICK to view the file: HERE


12/21-2015 Alexandria city court wrapup before heading to federal courthouse to deliver more subpoenas for JW Grenadier, writ of prohibition against disloyal judges, CLICK to view the file: HERE


12/21/2015 Alexandria city court. Before entering courthouse to serve for subpoenas. CLICK to view the file: HERE


12/21/2015 seven subpoenas on state and federal Judges for Janice Wolk Grenadier victim of judicial terrorism and false imprisonment part one of. Over 20 judges in conspiracy against victim CLICK to view the file: HERE


12/16/2015 returning from pleadings to John Noonan squatter/want to be lawyer and co-conspirator CLICK to view the file: HERE


12/16/2015 PG County Circuit Court filing for return of fees illegally collected on appeal Circuit Court of appeal and perfecting the record as to the corruption of judge Tony Clark and Tom Smith. CLICK to view the file: HERE


12/15/2015 leaving court of appeals and special appeals. Perfecting the appeal John Noonan PG Circuit Court illegally charging for appeals to Court of Appeals must be refunded Richard Reinheimer’s case also being tainted by fraud and misconduct of court officers tampering with docket and issuance of unsigned orders which is reported to USPS postal inspector … Read more