Highlights abuse of process by US Supreme Court personnel/paralegals denying lawfully file papers under color of law and authority in a case important to all Maryland voters and residents. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Highlights demonstration United States Supreme Court regarding gerrymandering of Maryland’s legislative districts, and court clerk’s disallowance of court lawful filed documents and amicus briefs. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Highlights from 2015 Pro Se America And Secret Justice.Com Law Day Events At The White House And Capitol Hill exposing injustices against our fellow citizens by rogue court officers. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Video record of mailing appellant brief to the Maryland AG’s office defending the criminal misconduct of Queen Anne’s County court judges and Sidney Campen conspiracy against rights of Richard Rexford Reinheimer and his family. See related 50 programs. CLICK to view the file: HERE


12/28/2015. Leaving the court after correcting deficiencies returned trip discovered really scary document regarding to destruction of court papers by court personnel and the alteration and fabrication of court records in the court of special appeals regarding administration of Sherry Eveland’s cases. Were court is covering up for the criminal misconduct of Cecil County attorneys. … Read more


12/28/2014 appellant discovers he made a mistake on the briefs filed earlier and muscular correct them to correct the record. 50 other related videos showing the egregious violation of rights by court officers of the Queen Anne’s County courts Sheriff’s and zoning officials against the Reinheimer’s CLICK to view the file: HERE


12/28/2015 Maryland Court of Appeals and special appeals interview with Sherry Ray Eveland victim of probate fraud now being forwarded by 10 judges in Cecil County Maryland and Baltimore as well as court judges in this court issuing unsigned orders denying relief. Sherry filed emergency motion an injunction for relief as the only legal personal … Read more


12/28/2015 follow-up to victim before leaving the courthouse chronicling events in court room in which abusive judge issues fraudulent order based on false evidence by the opposing party judge believes he’s a debt collector and will do anything to imprison someone for not paying lawyers. CLICK to view the file: HERE


12/23/2015 follow-up after leaving courthouse judge refused to recuse himself as required. Victim waiting to pick up order to be delivered to for circuit Court of Appeals Virginia CLICK to view the file: HERE


12/23/2015 Follow-up before entering courthouse. CLICK to view the file: HERE