January 7th 2016 Appellant George McDermott leaves court of special appeals. After filing motion papers to correct the record in the matter of George McDermott versus Queen Anne’s County judiciary. And the false imprisonment of Richard Reinheimer by corrupt judicial system/phony Judge. CLICK to view the file: HERE


January 7th 2016 Reporter leaves treasury building without documents state agent continue to say they never received information even though numerous videos affirm the request were made in person under the Maryland public information act. The cover-up continues. CLICK to view the file: HERE


January 7th 2016 Annapolis Maryland treasurers office, still no answer to the public information request, regarding Maryland’s corporate ID and judicial bondholder. Cover-up continues. CLICK to view the file: HERE


January 7th 2016 Annapolis Maryland administrative offices of the courts investigating the public documents and misleading financial reports of one of Maryland’s most notorious masters terrorizing the citizens of St. Mary’s County all controlling 80% of the law firm terrorizing family courts CLICK to view the file: HERE


January 4th 2016 reporter sending out an additional 34 letters to Maryland state Judges as money comes available all judges will be notified asking them to investigate. The rapid corruption within the Maryland judicial system in probate fraud and. Use of unsigned orders PIA request maybe one judge in the state answer. But it’s severely … Read more


January 4th 2016 investigating probate fraud in Prince George’s County Maryland and Elkton Maryland victims being disenfranchised of the property by disingenuous judges and scam lawyers stealing millions of dollars. Met with IRS agents to report criminal misconduct since the Maryland Atty. Gen. will not take action and the judges seem to cover-up rapid probate … Read more


2015 year in review from the land of the scam in the home the fraud Prince George’s County Circuit Court the seventh judicial circuit of Maryland is the most corrupt in the nation to this reporters belief and based on the records of the prior 899 movies chronicling corruption within Maryland seventh judicial circuit. When … Read more


Highlights of 2015 Helping victims of child abuse by the court system of Maryland actually allowing them promoting child-abuse by CPS system employees letting thousands of Maryland children in harms way why judges turn ahead to abuse and neglect and corruption in their courts. Judge was above the age of retirement had no right even … Read more


Highlights of special message for FBI director Tomie FBI do its job and stop chasing aliens. Victims Sherry Ray Eveland, victim Richard Reinheimer and victim, Tom Armor. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Highlights of abuse of process Elkton Maryland and Maryland probate court system judges and lawyers stealing $18 million from victim using forged documents falsified wills and forged court orders against the estate of James Ray Charles and his family. CLICK to view the file: HERE