Paula Joe Wright and George McDermott exposing corruption and St. Mary’s County Child protective services and visiting Judges without oath of office or legal standing CLICK to view the file: HERE


George McDermott with Janice Wolk Grenadier victim of judicial fraud and abuse Alexandria Circuit Court Alexandria Virginia judges dishonoring the Constitution and rule of law CLICK to view the file: HERE


Sherry Egeland and George McDermott leaving clerk of the court for Baltimore circuit courts office alleged Judge Thomas Bernstein has no oath of office on file holding office illegally CLICK to view the file: HERE


Candidate George McDermott’s interview with Maryland public access TV CLICK to view the file: HERE

George McDermott’s first speaking engagement as the Republican noTeam Viwer minee for U.S. Congress Maryland’s fourth congressional district 2016 CLICK to view the file: HERE


Maryland’s seventh Judicial circuit judges and Court of Appeals judges on April 29, 2016 destroyed yet another family using forged Robo signed foreclosure documents. Falsified court orders/judgments. And unsigned dismissal orders from judge Peter Krauser Maryland court of special deals for gangsters and attorneys, this is why Maryland’s 4th Republican elected candidate For 2016 George … Read more


February 17, 2016 leaving the administrative offices of the court system picking up PIA documents financial disclosure statements of judges with their signatures. Proving all the orders from the court of appeals are forged. As they do not match the signatures in any way to the signature signed on the judges are neutral disclosure statements. … Read more


February 17, 2016 mailing off request to the FBI and US Justice Department offices of the Inspector General, request for a criminal investigation and a grand jury investigation to the corruption in Maryland’s in Prince George’s County Maryland St. Mary’s County Maryland as well as the Maryland court of appeals issuing of illegal unsigned forged … Read more


February 16, 2016, legislators only want to hear from lobbyist not the public or victims if you tell them the truth or mention the truth of what’s happening to them. In a public hearing they cut you off your time is up. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Live report Maryland house office building February 16, 2016. Legislative work regarding proposed bills before the general assembly that would further disenfranchise our citizens of our rights and promote banking fraud by corporate lawyers CLICK to view the file: HERE