January 10, 2017 Reporter reporting on first day of confirmation hearings U.S. Senate Russell building room 225 hearings on confirmation of new Atty. Gen. sessions legislators spell out that the house and Senate change the laws of this nation not corrupt judges acting under color of law and authority also urging citizens to take action … Read more


US District Court Washington DC/Court of Appeals putting court on notice that the court of Federal claims except in case number 17; 000009 available on pacer. And challenging the latest return documents and forged orders purported of Judge Mathis further examples of mail fraud and extortion by wire. CLICK to view the file: HERE


response to the latest sham order of the United States District Court allegedly dismissing Case after being notified case was being transferred to court of Federal claims because the court refuses to allow case to move forward as required by law CLICK to view the file: HERE


United States Court of Appeals and District Court last filing of 2016 putting the court on notice, because of the forged unsigned orders cases being taken on appeal to the US Court of CLAIMS for failure of government services to provide honest services. CLICK to view the file: HERE


December 29, 2016 court of special appeals and Court of Appeals been put on notice regarding motion to remove cases to the court of Federal claims Circuit Court for Prince George’s County Maryland was also put on notice failure of government agents to provide honest services in accordance with the oath of office in the … Read more


December 30, 2016 court of Federal claims closes early filing against the United States and state of Maryland will have to wait till January 3, 2017 asserting violations of the Tucker act. By lower court clerks and court personnel also the Tucker act waving of sovereign immunity for those who operate outside the law CLICK … Read more


year-end report on corruption in the courts of the United States the District of Columbia where no judges and the appellate courts can be identified or sign their orders depriving tens of thousands of citizens of the rights under color of law and authority. CLICK to view the file: HERE


George McDermott Janice Grenadier and Patricia Washington outside of Maryland District Court Hyattsville Maryland where judges rape the rights of our citizens to protect corporate banks and foreclosure mills who employ forged documents to steal their property. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Janice Wolk Grenadier and George McDermott giving testimony before the Virginia Gen. assembly courts and judicial proceedings regarding and clerks of the court refusing to provide honest services to the citizens of the Commonwealth under color of law and authority. CLICK to view the file: HERE


George McDermott leaving administrative offices of the Maryland courts. Citizens no longer to cease signatures of judges, oath of office per directive of Maryland Atty. Gen.’s office in violation with the states Constitution and the U.S. Constitution. Stuart Cordish AG CLICK to view the file: HERE