February 21, 2017 Road trip to Annapolis court of special appeals to get copies of the latest three unsigned orders issued February 13, 2017 no orders in the file whatsoever one of the three case files cannot even be located court was notified defendant filing papers with the Maryland Gen. assembly regarding House Bill 1191 … Read more


Mailing off 2/15/2017 filed papers with the court of Federal claims case number 17 – CV – 092 US Government defendant and Maryland state Government defendant’s and their co-conspirators CLICK to view the file: HERE


Wrapping up affairs A filed papers with the court of Federal claims nnapolis Maryland Senate House office building February 14, 2017 after a day of educating the legislatures members both House and Senate delivering over 260 documents for the record against house Bill 502, 595, 688, and 755 all it takes is reported to representatives … Read more


Working diligently to deliver 280 oppositions to proposed House legislation that will work adverse to our Constitution and only promote further fraud on the court by court insiders through secret proceedings expunging criminal records of corporate him him violating the rule of law also public pronouncement of George McDermott’s intentions for 2018 CLICK to view … Read more


Lobbyist stand in line the house Judiciary committee meeting room to give testimony for or against proposed legislation. Yet no one brings up the fraudulent abuse of process by the use of unsigned orders in our appellate courts and the use of judges appointed with unsigned orders and no oath of office as temporary judges … Read more


Maryland House Judiciary Committee hearing 2/14/2017 hearing testimony on the huge disparity of people of color being falsely imprisoned for minor drug offenses while Caucasians’s seem to skate free once again court corruption outweighs equal justice under the law. All lives matter yet House committee members pay little or no attention to abuse of process. … Read more


Due to the corruption in Prince Georges County courts between judge Sheila Tolson Adams, Tony Clark, judge mental stat, and Peter Krauser of the court of special appeals my neighbor’s house was forged after an illegal eviction on the evening of 2/13/2017 CLICK to view the file: HERE


Leaving court of Federal claims Pennsylvania Avenue across from the White House 2/13/2017 memorializing filing moving onto the office of the American Bar Association see if we can get help against the corrupt lawyers they have control and authority over and Prince George’s County Maryland and Elkton Maryland making a full out of our Nations … Read more


February 13, 2017 court of Federal claims filing opposition to motion to dismiss and Demand that the court produce signed judicial orders as well as motion for reconsideration case number 17 – CV – 09 Patricia E Campbell Smith alleged judge CLICK to view the file: HERE


February 12, 2017 Memorializing sending off priority request to the president of the United States and his White House Chief of Staff regarding possible Executive Order to prohibit all courts in the United States from issuing forged unsigned documents in nonconformity with our Constitution. Also seeking the president seek an appointment of a US civil … Read more