Another victim of foreclosure fraud being mistreated by the Maryland District Court Hyattsville Maryland. Trial judge does not even read. Complaint or motion to busy has over 100 cases a day to do his job. Victim could lose $200,000 as a result of negligence and failure to provide honest services. CLICK to view the file: … Read more


Video journal March 22, 2017 wrapping up two days of hearings Supreme Court justice nominee Senate Judiciary committee. Members confirm rule of law is based on the written word snap-on judicial supposition./Interpretation CLICK to view the file: HERE


Video journal update March 10, 2017 video journal of events of March 9-13, 2017 US Court of Federal claims case number 17 – CV – 09 underlying case US District Court DC. And notice of appeal 17 – CV – 1790 USCOA –FD –Cir. more sham proceedings in secret by judges. CLICK to view the … Read more


Video journal update March 10, 2017 hearing USDC Alexandria Virginia J Grenadier v. USA & State of Virginia whistleblowers// failure to provide honest services. Update from the US Court of Federal claims McDermott versus US & state of Maryland failure to provide honest services. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Coverage U.S. Senate confirmation hearings Assistant Attorney General they’ve sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution and rule of law but will they take affirmative action to stop corruption in our Nation’s courts by court insiders and the ABA. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Second seating of committee 3/22/17. Very impressed with questions presented by Sen. Kennedy of the nominee and his response to the loyalty to the Constitution and oath of office/rule of law however would he produce required documents under title 5 USC 2902. And does he support the use of unsigned / per curiam decisions. CLICK … Read more


March 22, 2017 follow-up to the nomination hearings for Supreme Court Justice citizen resistance seems to be minimal majority leadership seems ready to confirm.. CLICK to view the file: HERE


March 20, 2017 coverage of the confirmation hearings to confirm nominee Judge Gorsuch as our next associate Supreme Court justice. Follow-up to programs 1010 and 1011. Hearings revealed that the Senate members believe the courts should not be making or distorting the rule of law. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Winding up events of March 17, 2017 St. Patrick’s Day making a record as to why we need FBI and Homeland security to investigate treason by our state and federal Judges covering up the ABA and its agents. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Road trip to the Senate office buildings to deliver to all members of the United States Senate Judiciary committee request that one brave senator have the courage to ask our Supreme Court nomination 4 questions that he should answer or not be nominated for failure to follow the rule of law. CLICK to view the … Read more