Road trip to upper Marlboro Maryland November 16, 2017 filing notice with the chief judge Tillson Adams, the clerk of the court, judge Hill, and the County states attorney notifying all parties the treason charges are to be filed with the President of the United States as none of the court officers of this court … Read more


Leaving St. Mary’s County Maryland District Court November 16, 2017 court’s computer will not allow access to the alleged criminal charges against Michelle Bordelaise where sexual predator Richard Fritz states attorney is illegally prosecuting this victim for a alleged wiretapping making a video to expose his corruption and that of the St. Mary’s County court … Read more


Justice defeated again in favor of corrupted lawyer and his attorney by a judge Lawrence Hill acting outside of his oath of office to protect the corruption in St. Mary’s counties court system and yes judge Hill still does not have an oath of office on file in St. Mary’s County Maryland making his judgments … Read more


Road trip to St. Mary’s County Maryland November 16, 2017 witness for Michelle Bordelaise where judge Hill from Prince George’s County does not have an oath of office with this County is engaged in judicial tyranny and treason against the Constitution let’s see what 2 days events occurring. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Additional mail delivered November 13, 2017 Janice Grenadier’s Bankruptcy Court order allegedly dismissing her case alerting entertainer George McDermott of the 14th day filing deadline which as of the 13th day of November was filed with the Bankruptcy Court seeking to have all the orders of November 6 stricken from the record. Additionally clerk of … Read more


November 13, 2017 daily mail received from purported Mallon Secretary of State’s office whose office is facilitating fraud on the courts and treason against the Constitution by rejecting the signatures of judges and de-falsification of corporate documents prohibited under our Constitution to protect Judge Barbera in the other appellate judges of Maryland and their war … Read more


Filing notice U.S. Bankruptcy Court JW Grenadier case Alexandria Virginia refuting the false allegations of Judge Kenny who now believes. He can get away with filing false criminal charges in contempt of court charges against the debtor who’s done nothing but present the truth to the court and report court corruption to judge his superiors … Read more


DC Court of Appeals court violating the rules of the court sending back pleadings in violation of the federal rules saying intervenor had no right to appeal which is an absolute falsehood according to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure which govern the DC courts, judges, and law clerks. Clerk’s office in violation of U.S. … Read more


Clerk of the court of appeals for DC and supervisors along with legal counsel knowingly violating court rules by sending back court date stamped pleadings and engaging in mail fraud by not filing pleadings by victims and making up fictitious unsigned forged orders to protect their fellow bar members and court insiders treasonous actions against … Read more


The doors to Senate office buildings locked by gatekeepers. Lori tries to visit Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s office and Sen. Grassley’s office in the heart office building get lost citizen we only allow lobbyist and niece hollowed halls seems to be the rule of the day by minions at the front desk of Senate offices. Consumer … Read more