Unlicensed debt collectors, and courts holding sham auctions on property they do not even hold titles to judges covering up for. Treason, money laundering, and tax evasion by federal and international banks using forged falsified documents to steal American citizens homes and businesses. Under color of law CLICK to view the file: HERE


George McDermott pt 5: de facto (unlawful) v. De jure (lawful) govt. CLICK to view the file: HERE


George McDermott pt 4: Court Corruption – de facto (unlawful) v. de jure (lawful) govt. CLICK to view the file: HERE


George McDermott pt 2: Corprate facsism & corrupt courts CLICK to view the file: HERE


George McDermott pt 1: Corporate facsism & corrupt courts CLICK to view the file: HERE


September 28, 2018 Road trip to PG County Circuit Court, MD Court Of Special Appeals, PG County inspection office Reporting the criminal misconduct of judges And motion to Strike/reconsideration of the latest unsigned forged documents also visited local building inspectors office to have stop work order put on 8324 Bock Rd., Fort, WA, Maryland work … Read more