Once again reporting from the US court of federal claims Washington DC victim Deborah Bonilla Mead finally gets a case number after intervention by Maryland Court Watch NEWS petitioning the chief judge of this court by certified mail to investigate instructional justice by court clerks office. Part 2. 1/15/19 CLICK to view the file: HERE


Making the record January 15, 2019 from within the Senate chambers William Barr hearing recess for vote of special interest to all remarks of Sen. Kennedy of Louisiana regarding bank fraud, and failure to prosecute banks were stealing trillions from our citizens. Additionally, Sen. Grassley’s remarks regarding public officials and adherence to the foreign anti-bribery … Read more


Road trip to Washington DC Senate hearings on judiciary regarding confirmation of new US Atty. Gen. and questioning by Senate committee members part 1. January 15, 2019 CLICK to view the file: HERE


Road trip to DC United States Ct. of Federal Claims to witness victim’s filing and request for case number after having to notify Chief Judge Sweeney of corruption and irregularities in the clerk’s office CLICK to view the file: HERE


Road trip January 13, 2019 Road trip to New York State to interview icon for legal and civil rights. 90-year-old Glendora history will record her dedication to the First Amendment rights of myself and others as the most prolific producer and activist as recorded in the Guinness world records has already done. CLICK to view … Read more


January 9, 2019 meeting at US court of federal claims Washington DC victim of RICO conspiracy by courts, checking on filing of December 6, 2018 Debra Bonilla Mead CLICK to view the file: HERE


January 7, 2019 meeting with victims of judicial terrorism, Maryland, Circuit Court Rockville foreclosure fraud. 101. By judges Debra Bonilla Mead. And others discuss the events of the day and disrespect judges had for the rule of law. CLICK to view the file: HERE


January 2019 leaving clerk’s office. Maryland court of special deals for gangsters, no signed orders, demanding judges and clerks of the court identified their anti-bribery statements and oath of office which are public record. CLICK to view the file: HERE


January 6, 2019 US post office Washington DC notifying chief judge of the court of federal claims of obstructionist actions by court clerks. Refusing to docket pro se litigant cases. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Year end report on corruption in the state and federal court systems covering up treason against the Constitution/rule of law/, economic terrorism by judicial officers. And foreclosure fraud victims CLICK to view the file: HERE