United States District Court November 19, 2019 filing motion to intervene as a Fact witness. Having 60+ videos posted that secret justice.com showing judicial tyranny and economic terrorism against citizens Lori Saxon and her minor daughter once again US District Court judges case #1:19 – CV – 2836 court will not furnish authenticated signed order … Read more


November 15, 2019 delivering response brief for Debbie needs to the Court of Special Appeals of Maryland Debbie B. Mead v.HSBC mortgage case # 690 Mortgage fraud being covered up by government CircuitCounty Court Judges reviewed case file no signed orders and courts case file. Reviewed 2 other cases also no signed orders in case … Read more


Pro se litigant having docketed in her opening and closing statements before the proceedings on 28 October 2019 uses her 15 minutes to read into the record those statements to preserve them for appeal witnesses present will submit affidavits in support of this transcript which was furnished by the court the written transcript has already … Read more


Transcript of Montgomery County Circuit Court October 28, 2019 pro se litigant fighting to save her property from theft by alleged debt collectors and lying attorneys who have never proved legal standing in any court knowing that the judges of this court protect lying lawyers over the Constitution and rule of law, CLICK to view … Read more


Events of October 30 and 31st 2019 follow-up to program 1415 corruption in the Montgomery County Maryland circuit courts where judges are promoting judicial terrorism and helping debt collectors steal homeowners properties with forged documents now cases on appeal judges have an oath of office they are not respecting per house speeches recorded October 31, … Read more


October 28, 2019 Debra Mead hearing Montgomery Md. County Circuit Court judicial terrorism continues judge ignores the rules to protect lying lawyers even coming onto the bench with a prerecorded statement of dismissal. As retribution for reporting the courts crimes to the court of federal claims and courts superiors CLICK to view the file: HERE


DC Superior Court and US District Court for the District of Columbia with Lori Saxon victim of conspiracy by American Bar Association members acting as alleged debt collectors trying to steal $2 million plus of her property with forged documents. Also US District Court clerk’s office manipulating in issuing more unsigned orders see program 1413 … Read more


The corruption in the courts never stops October 21, 2019 filing motion for certification of judges signatures and oath of office. It appears the clerks of the court there forged the judge’s signature once again trying to illegally dismiss the cases #98 CV 1235, & 16 CV 532 8 PM Judge Christopher Cooper order being … Read more


October 9, 2019. Circuit Court for Anne Arundel County in the matter of Case # C – 02 – CV – 18 – 2342 J.DURNIKA v. State of Maryland cover-up continues court will not authenticate signatures of purported judges involved in this conspiracy to further child abuse and neglect on part of the plaintiff and … Read more


October 9, 2019 Victim of the 27 years of judicial terrorism by Maryland courts files motion to reopen the cases in DC federal courts illegally dismissed with unsigned unverifiable sham Court orders in the matter of George McDermott versus the United States Department of Justice and the American Bar Association’s. Case # 1:98 –CV-1235 TPJ … Read more