events of January 11 red Maryland Convention held Annapolis Maryland 2020. Where Sen. Andy Harris from Marilyn’s first congressional district was informed as to the judicial terrorism taking place in his district against citizens by the acting states attorney James Dallmeyer who was instrumental in the theft of $18 million from the estate of James … Read more


January 8 2020 Washington DC Judiciary Square during my duty reporting judicial corruption and terrorism against fellow citizen Lori Saxon to the commission on judicial disabilities and filing motion in court for the court to state its jurisdiction and authority before proceeding with the January 10th proceeding to preserve the record for appeal. The court … Read more


Report of December 20, 2019 road trip to Washington DC filing a demand with the DC Superior Court and Lori Saxon case demanding that the court issue an order compelling court transcribers office to allow intervener and defendant access to the master audio file of court transcription office due to the last 2 transcripts having … Read more


December 17, 2019. Delivering formal request to all 40 members of the US House of Representatives Judiciary committee 2019. Reporting waste fraud and abuse and obstruction of justice to the courts superiors with impeachment powers. With backup information regarding the events of December 9 and 10th 2019 programs 1426 and 1425. Attached is the hand-delivered … Read more


Once again December 10, 2019 DC Superior Court and landlord-tenant court making a record for Lori Saxon and as in intervener putting the court on notice that the judges and clerks of the court could no longer continue to steal the citizens property and give it to the lying thieving lawyers of the American Bar … Read more


December 6, 2019 latest exemplars of mail fraud and wire fraud, plus economic terrorism and the construction of justice by officers and agents of the United States District Court using their office to promote judicial terrorism and tyranny to cover-up the judges, and lawyers, and the American Bar Association’s wheel and spoke conspiracy to make … Read more


December 6, 2019 latest exemplars of mail fraud and wire fraud, plus economic terrorism and the construction of justice by officers and agents of the United States District Court using their office to promote judicial terrorism and tyranny to cover-up the judges, and lawyers, and the American Bar Association’s wheel and spoke conspiracy to make … Read more


Road trip to United States District Court, Washington DC, December 6, 2019 yet another victim being terrorized by state judges of Maryland who disrespect their oath of office and who have joined in a civil RICO conspiracy illegally helping fellow ABA members as alleged debt collectors steal billions of dollars of citizens property every year … Read more


November 25, 2019 road trip to Elkton, Maryland Sherry Ray Eveland being terrorized by the Cecil County states Attorney’s office and Elkton police as well as the Maryland state police engaged in an economic terrorism with numerous judges of the counties circuit and District Court working with James Dallmeyer interim State’s Attorney to steal $19 … Read more


November 21, 2019 Washington DC visiting the offices of Chairman United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee seeking information on whether or not the United States of America Inc. or the United States of America we all know and believe in have surrendered our sovereignty according toSenate actions of December 26th 1933 49 Statute 3097 Treaty … Read more