This program chronicles the difficulties encountered by the average citizen when corrupt court criminals and their attorneys abuse the trust of the court and use their status as fellow bar members to coerce and induce judges and prosecutors to abandon their legal principles in favor of covering up for crimes of fellow bar members who … Read more


spending a day with Elana Ruth Sassower as she delivers her appeal papers to the District of Columbia Court of Appeals and the Gangsters at the US Justice Department. This part of the program and deals with making a video record for an appellate. who was wrongfully prosecuted and put in prison for the crime … Read more


Replay of A Chat With Glendora program dealing with unlicensed lawyer forming a Gangster corporation to take over our nations courts in violation of our legal in civil rights. 30 minutes long. This show chronicles documented statements of fact in an open discussion telephone interview between Glendora, Americas champion of pro se litigants Rights, and … Read more


This program deals with Justice “fact fiction” or a fraud in our Courts. Glendora reads into the record the absurdity of appellate judges refusal to address judicial complaints against court officers who breach the trust of their office, and violate the legal and civil rights of litigants under the color of law and authority. In … Read more

Secret Justice News update on criminal Gilbert Saperstein from the land of the scam and the home of the fraud Prince Georges County Maryland . a this portion to program is 5 minutes long. And deals with status of plea-bargain hearing in which Gangster pled guilty to all 8Counts of conspiracy to commit, bribery, theft, … Read more


Who is lying about Social Security Washington DC acorn holds down-home meeting with Congress and Senate representatives challenging the presidents. Full frontal attack on Americas Social Security program. 17 minutes long CLICK to view the file: HERE


Glendora spells out complaint against DC judge Buddy Freeman for violating the constitutional rights of this pro se litigant under color of law and authority CLICK to view the file: HERE


This second-class citizens appellants brief in the Maryland court of special appeals / deals for gangsters, citizen victim of court corruption refutes the undersigned unauthenticated undocumented fraudulent order of the court. 30 minutes long CLICK to view the file: HERE