Live report from the land of the scam home of hte fraud victim of judicial terrorist report from Prince George’s County courthouse. CLICK to view the file: HERE


The Victims Roundtable in a Chat with Glendora special one-hour presentation on filing complaints with judicial disability commissions and how these commissions failed to do their job and how these failures translate to victims been victimized by gangster judges and their family members. This victim was a victim of Maryland crime kingpin Gilbert Sapperstein and … Read more


The Victims Roundtable interviews Constance Andrettis Tantor victim of a fraudulent corporate takeover engineered by corporate attorneys and judges promoting insider fraud. This is a truly riveting story where victim outlines spending millions on the best lawyers who are deny justice and access to the court when local judges conspire with local attorneys to steal … Read more


The Victims Roundtable interviews Julius Fleishman, Limited partner of Crystal Skate Limited Partnership, the partnership that was destroyed by court corruption and the courts have obstructed partners efforts to regain their property from the Gilbert Sapperstein crime syndicate who has been using partnership assets and receivables to run a money-laundering operation of Prince Georges County … Read more


The John McDermott story. Victim of a Charles County Maryland Judge who put him in prison for two years after he applied for a reduction in child-support payments because of physical impairment. This show chronicles the worst of Justice. Inhumane County detention center, lack of rehabilitation and work-release programs, the practice of putting misdemeanor offenders … Read more


Road trip to Annapolis Maryland to the new home of the judicial training Center and the Maryland Rules Committee requesting certification of, exactly at what point in time, the State Legislature changed the rules to allow appellate courts and their judges to issue orders to the clerks of the court, telepathically denying actions brought by … Read more


Second-class citizen, George McDermott, ventures to the Maryland Court of Appeals and special deals for gangsters to petition corrupt court to furnish documents required under the state administrative procedures act that the court is in conformity with the State Constitution and that its records are in compliance with the legislative intent. Records revealed sloppy shoddy … Read more


Secret Justice, The Victims Roundtable, interviews latest guest Susan Payne. a road trip to Charles County, Maryland to uncover the corruption in the court resulting in her fathers wrongful death and the conspiracy to strip his estate by judges and lawyers for the benefit of insiders. 10 minutes long CLICK to view the file: HERE


The truth about the commissions on judicial disabilities. They deserve a failing grade. A case history complaint filed February 22, 2006 and made public at judgewatch.org. An educational video produced for the people of South Dakota to combat disinformation. CLICK to view the file: HERE


world can’t wait for Bush to step down part 2 of 3 CLICK to view the file: HERE