Secretjustice.com NEWS Reports from Washington DC on peace movement part one of a four-part series that the United for peace and justice coalition staged with resounding success. An estimated 750,000 plus people peacefully gathered in front of the capital of the United States to send a message to our Congress and elected leaders that they … Read more


David Davenport how the Baltimore criminal justice system works to protect criminal conduct of its lawyers even to the point of fully prosecuting and prosecuting the handicap and disable. Case law. “11 conveys a false impression by disclosure of some facts and concealment of others, such concealment is in effect a false representation that what … Read more


report on how the FBI and United States Justice Department promote Fraud upon the court and obstruct justice to protect the Sapperstein crime syndicate and its members agents and assigns who have made a full of the Federal Bureau of investigation, then given preferential treatment by the US Justice Department, have helped in the extortion … Read more


Secretjustice news chronicles the steps taken to filing and perfecting a case against the United States Justice Department and the American Bar Association for criminal conspiracy, obstruction of justice, denial of due process rights, extortion, racketeering, and fraud on the court by agents of the defendant’s knowingly importing false evidence in court proceedings. Court fraud … Read more


Secretjustice news chronicles how the Internal Revenue Service destroys court documents to protect the Sapperstein crime syndicate and retaining illegal judgments again second-class citizen road trip includes stops at the United States Tax Court, the Jewish flush penthouse previously residents of J. Edgar Hoover, winding up at Crystal Skate now, new Delight Skate Palace opened … Read more


Open letter to creditors of victim identity theft. Asking for affidavits on debt to be put into the court record to refute Judge Dwight D. Jackson’s denial of waiver court fees due to poverty. George MdcDermott plead to the creditors to respond to September 1 request for financial affidavits to be furnished to the cout. … Read more


Documentay open letter to Congressman Al Wynn in support of October 4, 2006 correspondence. Regarding criminal misconduct and obstruction of justice and the United States Tax court seeking congressional inquiry and assistance of Justice Department and at the F.B.I. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Secret Justice News. Filing of a criminal complaint against crime syndicate members, Andrew Moore, Gilbert Saperstein, Peter Parker, Wayne Bowie, and Howard Fine how to “prepare and file a criminal complaint against” GANGSTERS: a one hour documentary made to assist the Maryland,s states attorney Glynn Ivy’s end identifying co-conspirators. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Response to illegal court order denying defendant/ second class citizen’s waiver of court costs. One hour documentary on the importance of filing a motion for reconsideration. Correcting the record to alert Judge Dwight D. Jackson that his actions would further a criminal conspiracy and fraud on the court being committed plaintiffs, CLICK to view the … Read more


How the Saperstein Crime Syndicate uses the United States bankruptcy court’s system to make millions of dollars on $5 alleged investments, and how parties in the United States Trustee’s office assists in HIS criminal activities to benefit fellow lawyers and corrupt judges. CLICK to view the file: HERE