Events at December 10, 2009 making a record against unsigned orders and attending congressional hearings on the Judiciary’s modification to judicial recusal rule. Which made it clear judges are to recuse themselves and all cases of judicial bias, prejudice, and conflicts of interest. A standard which Maryland courts do not adhere to. CLICK to view … Read more


The importance of preserving a transcript and record for appellate process. The official court recording audio transcript of sham judicial proceeding showing how judges protect dishonest lying lawyers, while promoting treason within their courts and fraud against the average citizen CLICK to view the file: HERE


The 2009 year and report from The Land of the Scam and The Home Fraud Prince George’s County Courthouse Upper Marlboro Maryland where chief deputy court clerk admits total confusion as to why jury trial was denied even though the record reflects that was properly ask for and should have been granted. Case file catalog … Read more


Christmas Greeting Message 2009 to all fellow advocates and visitors secretjustice.com & foresthightsbaptistchurch.com. # saveme101.com. A Merry Christ filled Christmas to all CLICK to view the file: HERE


New advocacy Group forming at Maryland law library to assist one another in navigating Maryland’s legal system, which is prejudiced towards its citizens in favor of protecting insider corporate lawyers CLICK to view the file: HERE


Filing an opposition in Maryland Court of special appeals to frivolous motions filed by. Case # 304Sept term. 2009. And lawyers for case #1968 Sept, 2008, covering up their front on the court.. of course once again case files were not available for viewing. 20 judges of the court were put on notice that clerks … Read more


The importance of making and finally in a video affidavit with the courts. When you are dealing with a judicial system that protects court insiders and the wealthy, over the rights and liberties and welfare of the disadvantaged and disenfranchised citizens who are victims. Once they entered the court system in the State Of Maryland. … Read more


Citizen George McDermott takes his message that Judicial Tyranny and fraud in our Nation’s Courts must be addressed by the United States House and Senate judiciary committee responsible for the administration and oversight of our nation’s judicial system and the proper enforcement by the courts of all legislatively passed laws protecting our citizens rights and … Read more


Follow-up to November 6, 2009 sham preceding the District Court of Maryland Capital One Bank and its corrupt corporate attorneys, shaking down yet another Victim using the Maryland court system as their mob enforcer’s. Court Desperately trying to dismiss case to cover-up the procedural misconduct, of the clerk’s office of that court, and other court … Read more


Perfecting a record on appeal. Follow-up to defendants/victims. October 30 2009 sham hearing against Discover Bank and its corrupt lawyers. Enforcing purported debt instruments, which they admit they no longer have. Yet this gangster credit card company believes they can collect on 30% interest against victims using the Courts of Maryland, as her collection agent. … Read more