Events of January 10, 2021. United States Tax Court, Washington DC filing another court that the docket has been tampered with. You must protect your rights and demand that the court to preserve the matter for appeal. See attachment also the insurrection and treasonous actions Republican leadership has led to a lockdown of Washington DC. … Read more


Filing and motion to intervene United States District Court in Sherry Eveland’s case as it is clear now that the court and the alleged states attorney’s agent Stephen Ira Kroll and his is accomplice James Dellmyer alleged states attorney for Cecil County Maryland have brought in another judge without proper credentials in December 7, 2020 … Read more


Events of December 7, 2020 once again I imposter judges and alleged special prosecutor from the Maryland state attorneys Association conspired states attorney’s office, James Dallmeyer and his associates grossly violating victims rights under color of law while calling 7 cases for jury trial at one time. Even knowing the case notice of removal filed … Read more


November 24, 2020 Victim of brutal assault Sherry Ray Eveland by trespasses on her property. Once again Maryland state police and County Sheriff’s agents refused to allow her to file a complaint for theft and brutal beating to put her in the hospital St. officers involved in the theft of her property and 7 cases … Read more


Events of November 23, 2020 filing petition for emergency habeas corpus and US Federal Ct., Alexandria, VA for victim Sherry Ray Eveland against the state of Maryland and Cecil County Maryland’s corrupt court system and abuse of disrespectful officers of the court responsible for the theft of $18 million of her father’s estate. CLICK to … Read more


Filing of an official FOIA request to all 100 US senators regarding the December 26, 1933 49 Statute 3097 Treaty Series 881, also 22 CFR 92.12-92.31 and Title 28 USC 3002 Section 15A. Not to mention That the International Organization Immunities Act of 12/09/1945 of Congress which gives the appearance the Senate HAS WITHOUT CONSTITUTIONAL … Read more


September 14, 2020 witnessing yet another alleged retired judge threaten and intimidate Janice Wolk Grenadier appearing on a bench in Alexandria, Virginia without an oath of office and believed without any legal standing or judicial authority to promote foreclosure fraud by his fellow bar members with HSBC loan servicing alleged representatives promoting fraud in the … Read more


George McDermott details what is at the heart of the 29 years plus of judicial treason and terrorism in the Maryland court system and the US federal court system emanating out of the head of GSA threatening to bankrupt. He and his partners if they continued to submit SFO-91 – 164 government solicitation for a … Read more


road trip to Annapolis Maryland Court of special deals for gangsters to file papers for George McDermott and Sherry Ray Eveland notifying the court cases to be removed to the US District Court, Alexandria, Virginia as Maryland courts are beyond corrupt and will not perform their required honest services; CLICK to view the file: HERE


Road trip to Northeast Maryland Leonard Wilson of Elkton, Esq., of Elkton, Maryland caught in another criminal conspiracy to steal property from Cecil County residents with forged documents terrorizing a family whose house was just burned to the ground now learn Wilson has a purchaser of alleged property and issipating alleged INSURANCE FRAUD CLICK to … Read more