Road trip to Richmond Virginia filing a motion for reconsideration challenging fraudulent unsigned orders of that court to check the record for signed orders, which none exist and court clerks refuse to produce originals or electronic signatures as required by law. The court also refuses to knowledge, the Maryland Constitution as legal authority. CLICK to … Read more


Site visit, Rayburn House office building to late locate Gold conference room for the lead the people family preservation educational conference to be held there this month. CLICK to view the file: HERE


March 4, 2011 trip to national archives in Washington DC seeking signed orders and cases referred by Supreme Court. No signed orders exist, in case files as witness attests to in cases. Which Supreme Court clerk said had been transferred not in National Archives records storage CLICK to view the file: HERE


Road trip to the United States Supreme Court’s clerks office in March 4, 2011 to check court documents and historic cases regarding citizens rights to a very just proceeding in court. Big surprise no signed orders once again in any of the records including the latest attack or more civil rights a matter of Snyder … Read more


Follow up to filing a petition in US Supreme Court in front of former Crystal Skate and a request at the United States Supreme Court to review records, which court never has. As a record of past corruption. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Thanks to chief justice Roberts, George McDermott files a timely petition in the United States Supreme Court at 12:47 PM February 28 in testing the use of unsigned unauthenticated fraudulent, unverifiable, court orders, which the Maryland attorney general for the Gen. assembly of Maryland has confirmed that these orders are not in conformity with the … Read more


Report from Baltimore Maryland on the Atty. Gen.’s response on February 22, confirming Maryland judge’s wife signed orders, and also request Atty. Gen.’s office to produce signed complaints against Jerry Matt’s was being framed job I court insiders for political embarrassed using Maryland taxpayers money CLICK to view the file: HERE


SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT regarding rescheduling of victims of bank fraud and foreclosure fraud meeting originally scheduled for February 18, 2011. Due to delicate Valerio was meeting schedule event has been rescheduled till 4:30 PM February 21, 2011. Please advise all other victims of the rescheduling. So they may adjust their schedules CLICK to view the file: … Read more


February 8, 2011 Maryland court watch. George McDermott and Sam Brennra attend court with Doug and Debbie Willard to preserve the record. Cecil BANKS’ attorneys and corporate insiders relentlessly pound on the Willard’s for 2 hours in court conference room using threats Coercion and undue influence to have the Willard’s renounce their rights to contest … Read more


February 6, 2011 victim’s round table does follow up with Doug and Debbie Willard victims of a RICO fraud by Cecil bank and its corporate executives involving theft of millions of dollars in property by fraudulent documents involving Cecil County resident Karen Kunda Cecil County bank’s attorneys and settlement officers as well as Cecil bank’s … Read more