Road trip to Elton Maryland to see witness how the Circuit Court judge, and agents of Cecil Bank knowingly conspired to conceal fraud on the court, through denial of , victim, Tom Armour and his constitutional rights to due process at law. Incompetent judge moves ahead with hearing even though court docket indicates. Foreclosures by … Read more


Demonstration in front of the US Supreme Court September 26 2011 Maryland Court watch to let the court and the court police. KNOW that the court file jacket of 10 – 10236 has had hundreds of pages removed from it illegally. Compromising petitioner’s case in this very court. FOIA Request CLICK to view the file: … Read more


September 26, 2011 road trip to United States Supreme Court clerks office to view case file and see what surprises the court clerks have set up in case number 10 – 10-10236 . As all Supreme Court justices were put on notice September 18 regarding 900 pages of missing documents from the courts official file … Read more


Taking the message to the US House of Representatives, cannon office building September 26, 2011 because not one member of the US House of Representatives has responded to three separate legal FOIA request. To identify the constitutional amendment that allows judges to issue unsigned orders in violation of the United States Constitution and Bill of … Read more


Road trip to US Supreme Court to file a motion with the court asking each individual justice to take judicial notice under FRE Rules of their oath of office and the Constitution of this United States and state of Maryland, which requires that judicial orders be signed and that court. The courts of record and … Read more


Breaking NEWS from Baltimore County Circuit Court , where, Maryland attorney general Douglas Gensler and Baltimore County police. Once again violate the legal and civil rights of a courageous African-American for exposing fraud in the courts. And making the record. Gensler was wasting taxpayers money prosecuting Shorty of Shorty’s ribs while looking the other way … Read more


Part of a video affidavit of victims. Jean Michaud and her husband Bill explaining how realtor Paul Monger you to the inside connections with the court to force an illegal foreclosure proceeding. To top it off evidences come forth that this realtor Paul Monger violated every code of ethics imaginable with the help of the … Read more


Part 1.Road trip to the US Supreme Court. September 13, 2011 to file a motion regarding docket irregularities and lack of response from the court also noncompliance of the court of its own rules and regulations. 3 min. long. Part 2 making the record after leaving court clerks office regarding missing files, court docket irregularities, … Read more


Jean Michaud’s makes a record for Forensic Auditor Clarence Baldwin of Prince George’s County Maryland as to help Paul Monger’s personal relationships with this County judges and sheriffs resulted in her illegal incarceration, illegal eviction, and the theft of all for personal belongings which were placed into dumpsters and hauled off many items wound up … Read more


Court grants victim Jean Michaud’s request for continuance it appears now she will have to seek help from the public defender as there are no attorneys in Maryland or the surrounding areas that are willing to represent a victim of judicial abuse, outright fraud, and a conspiracy by local law enforcement officials/Calvert County Sheriff and … Read more