382 D

December 9, 2011 second report with witnesses to the trial where the judge disallowed request for a jury trial, motion for continuance, and allowed the County assistant attorney to make false statements and suppress defendants witnesses answers and testimony. October 6 review of case file by this reporter shows that no initial report was ever … Read more

382 C

December 9, 2011 first report from Arlington County Virginia criminal court where County attorneys, CPS workers, and court insiders. Had falsely accused defendant Dolores O’Brien of criminal charges resulting from a visit to her granddaughters school when she was invited to attend a meeting by the mother. Dolores represented herself and defeated the charges transcript … Read more

382 B

Video record of events occurring In the Court, December 7th 2011 brutal assault leading up to the vicious assault on 12-year-old child AO and her sister at 6:30 PM witnessed by numerous parties to the federal class-action lawsuit against Arlington County Virginia CPS and court insiders operating under color of law and authority, CLICK to … Read more

382 A

Chronicling of events after assault by officers of the court against 12-year-old AO. While trying to speak to her mother and court appointed attorney during a recess of the court. Which resulted in child being assaulted under color of law and authority and arrested. Also sister of AO. Was assaulted additionally putting handcuffs dragged into … Read more


Delores O’Brien forced to court to defend the kidnapping of her daughter by Arlington County Virginia Child protective services case # JJ033419-01-00-V and the juvenile And Domestic Court, Arlington County Virginia. Which is concealing documents which will prove that the kidnapping and wrongful imprisonment was done in violation of the law and is being covered … Read more


Victim Delores O’Brien outlines the criminal actions taken against her and her daughter by the Arlington County Virginia judges, CPS workers, and states attorney’s office to cover-up their illegally kidnapping of Delors O’Brien’s daughter under color of law and authority in the cover-up by the judicial system in Arlington County Virginia promoting child trafficking for … Read more


Department of Justice Headquarters Washington DC November 22, 2011 seeking an audience with Deputy Attorney General Tom Perez of the civil rights division once again asking for an investigation into the corruption in the Maryland state and federal court system under 18 USC §§ 271 – 272. And ask that a federal grand jury be … Read more


November 22, 2011 appearance at the FBI Headquarters Washington DC members of Occupythelaw.com, and Mdcourtwatch.com. Seeking appearance with agents of the FBI civil rights division to ask for an investigation into the corruption in the Maryland state and federal court system under 18 USC §§ 271 – 272. And ask that a federal grand jury … Read more


George McDermott with special guests James Renwick Manship join OCCUPYTHELAW November 22, 2011 appearance at the US Supreme Court putting court clerks and Judges on notice. That they have an obligation to our country and the citizens therein under their oath of office requires under 5 USC §§2902-2906 and making the record date document retrieved … Read more


Alerting the Supreme Court clerks office and police November 18, 2011 of a rally to be held November 22 also checking the court docket to verify that motions were not been filed or properly by clerk’s office also visit to FBI Headquarters, then to the US Justice Department headquarters winding up at the Supreme Court … Read more