In retaliation for Mr. Baron’s recent visit to Washington, the judges involved in unlawfully suspending Jeff’s civil rights and transfering all of his money to their friends deployed nearly a dozen U.S. Marshalls to barge into the homes of Mr. Barons’ friends, family and acquaintances, intimidating, harassing anyone associated with Mr. Baron. Unbelievably, the Marshalls, … Read more


January 20, 2011. Citizens traversed the halls of Congress seeking assistance form congressmen or senators to restore their rights and liberties which the abusive courts. Both state and federal income taxes had taken from them under color of law and authority CLICK to view the file: HERE


January 19, 2011 road trip to Capitol Hill, where victims assert their constitutional right to redress their grievances to members of the United States Congress and Senate. Regarding their dealings with an abusive court system in Texas that refuses to abide by the Constitution and rule of law. Unfortunately, House Republicans were all taking a … Read more


Backup information for members of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee members and staffers were John Margateus and JEFFERY BARON’S informed the judiciary committee members and their staffs of the extreme urgency of their request to meet with the Congressional representatives and oversight representatives of the US court due to the fact that the court has … Read more


Making the record for the visits to Capitol Hill to meet with House judiciary committee members and Texas delegation to see if John Margateus and JEFFERY BARON’S can get an appointment with the Washington DC FBI criminal investigation unit regarding out-of-control federal judges in Dallas, Texas. CLICK to view the file: HERE


part one of 5 half-hour segments of two Texas residents. John Margateus and JEFFERY BARON’S who have come to Washington DC, January 16, 2012, to ask for assistance from their congressman, their senators, the House Judiciary Committee members responsible for protecting our citizens from corrupt judges under five USC 2902 through 2907, to report mail … Read more


Follow-up to events in federal District Court Alexandria, Virginia, January 6, 2012, regarding further criminal acts of Arlington County Commonwealth’s attorneys office and attempts by the federal courts to cover-up the fraud and abuse of children by Arlington County CPS workers, guardians ad litem, County judges, and sheriffs Department agents. Asserting false claims that the … Read more


Discussing Dolores O’Brien’s suit against Arlington County Virginia sheriffs Department, CPS agency, County judges, and County school board. For their willful malicious vindictive conspiracy to frame up Dolores O’Brien on fraudulent unsubstantiated charges of illegal trespass, trial was held on December 9, 2011 which no evidence could be found of criminal conduct or content Dolores … Read more


January 6, 2011 United States District Court Alexandria, Virginia . Friend Of the Court, James Manship argues against Arlington County CPS Virginia lawyers. Trying to dismiss case, saying friend of the court , pleadings against CPS agents and Arlington County judges, are barred because friend Of the Court, James Renwick Manship is not a member … Read more


Road trip to FBI headquarters Annapolis Maryland, December 22, 2011, of course, the doors were locked. No one was in the office at 12:30 PM . To alert agent John Sheridan of the latest criminal acts by Calvert County, Maryland court personnel. Trying to frame up Jean Michaud , using the credentials of of Dr. … Read more