Arlington, Virginia court report live with special guests James Manship chronicling the events in the court room 3-C four, Commonwealth’s attorneys and public defenders conspired to commit fraud on the court and Arlington County attorneys and public defenders malicious bad-faith prosecution and persecution of Samantha, a 20-year-old victim of false arrest and false prosecution under … Read more


Arlington County, Virginia , March 9, 2012 . Petitioning Sheriff’s Department for access to incriminating videos of Sheriff Department agents violently assaulting a 12-year-old child, December 7, 2011. And coverage of sisters, sham judicial proceeding for allegedly trying to stop the officer from hurting her sister. Witnessed by five other witnesses on December 7, 2011. … Read more


Grand Juries. And why we need them to be accessible by the general public. With special guest Janet Grenadier. Discussing how far the Alexandria, Virginia Circuit Court judges go to cover-up criminal acts committed by their fellow judges, Commonwealth’s attorneys officers, parts of the court and privileged lawyers/insiders of the court. 40 min. plus. CLICK … Read more


Maryland Court Watch Sharon Galloway files Petition for Write of Error Coram Nobis in Maryland Court of AppealsCLICK HERE. Sharon Galloway’s response to the court in a Writ of Error Coram affects all citizens of the state of Maryland, who are victims of unsigned orders in violation of the Maryland Constitution, Article 4, Section 1. … Read more


Maryland Court Watch Revisits Capitol Hill to Determine Why Congressmen and Senators in the Judiciary Committee Have not Responded to Emergency Requests (401-404 this site). The judge has granted Vogel’s motion to to liquidate $60 million in assets in the Diabetes Research Trust, founded by Jeff, at 2 cents on the dollar in . The … Read more


U.S. Supreme Court Covering Up for Fraud Once again. Case numer 11-575. Visit to Court shows no signed orders. The docket is a disgrace for any court and the case file is mssing massive portions of the docketed items. Case Joseph P. Carson v. Office of Special Counsel Whistle Blower Action Being covered up by … Read more


Supposedly to operate all of the companies/trust that Furgeson and Vogel seized from Jeff, Furgeson and Vogel appointed a “business” manager. The person they appointed, Damon Nelson, is a certified con-artist and perjurer. Before his appointment, Nelson’s primary business was operating a scam that was the subject of investigations by the Dallas District Attorney and … Read more


Maryland court of special deals for gangsters and its leader judge Bell openly joined in a civil conspiracy to deprive Sharon Galloway of her rights and liberties under color of law. Using fraudulent, false, sham orders and the United States mail service to perpetrate a fraud or pro se litigants wholesale is a have done … Read more


Grand jury appearance denied citizen/victim Janice Wolk Grenadier. Even though ordered by the Supreme Court of Virginia to a specially assigned judge by the Supreme Court. Judge did however allow four hours of arguments and testimony outlining a conspiracy within the court clerks office, judges of the Alexandria city County court, and the office of … Read more


Circuit Court for Prince George’s County Maryland still covering up for the criminal fraud being committed on it by Friedman and McFayden. Predatory law firm, judge Thomas P Smith gangster judge, law firm of Jeffrey Fisher, and the law firm of Heidi S. Kennedy and their clients M & T Bank, BB&T Bank Corp. and … Read more