FBI and Justice Department officials in Boston, Massachusetts set a new standard for malfeasance of office. By the arrest of citizen.Natasha Marie Delima in Boston, Massachusetts. After she produced 38 videos, outlining the corruption, malfeasance of office, and title 18, crimes, 18 USC 4 . Ms. person felony, 18 USC Sections 1512 and 1513 of … Read more


Putting FBI victims rights ombudsman on notice that the response of April 2, 2012 is being taken on appeal to the United States, committee on the Judiciary. Five separate committees will be receiving it, asking how the victims rights ombudsman can respond to any correspondence that was not even received in the office until April … Read more


wrapup of days events that the US Supreme Court closing comments on the lobbying effort to kill Obama care, and the influence the house and Senate staffers play in influence Supreme Court decisions also closing comments from George Washington as to state of our court system.Compliance form CLICK to view the file: HERE


Notifying the United States Justice Department alleged criminal activity as possible. Unauthorized agents of the US marshals service have been harassing business acquaintance and Associates. George McDermott, similar to those criminal acts in Dallas, Texas, US marshals service, see program 419 , at the Washington field offices of the FBI. Who are on record as … Read more


March 28, 2012. Outside the United States Supreme Court. Received notification that alleged US Marshals canvassing the building in which I do work at displaying a photo searching for me.. As earlier video shows 419 marshals were instructed not to contact myself or any related person without first notifying me by phone. Assuming they were … Read more


George McDermott and General George Washington at the United States Supreme Court discussing the need for judicial reform and judicial accountability of federal and state judges. And the worries and concerns of then Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson. That the Congress through due diligence removed judges when they become abusive to their oath of office … Read more


March 19, 2012 road trip to FBI field office, Washington DC, to report misconduct by purported US marshals in Dallas, Texas, threatening, harassing, Jeff Baron’s family, friends and acquaintances and failing to identify themselves, failing to have any business cards, identification, and threatening parties. Agents failed to identify themselves, agents refused to produce any evidence … Read more


Filing a complaint with the United States marshals service director, Washington DC, asking for an investigation into the alleged criminal activities. US marshals and court all through Dallas, Texas, threatening and intimidating witnesses and victims of judicial terrorism and court fraud. See attachments. They are very crucial defending all rights and liberties of our citizens … Read more


Arlington, Virginia courthouse interview with victim of judicial abuse, who has had her child illegally kidnapped by Arlington County CPS workers and her daughter wrongfully prosecuted by Arlington County Commonwealth’s Atty. to cover-up the criminal assault on her 12-year-old daughter AO. By Arlington County Sheriff’s office. Please within the court room and public hallways of … Read more


Notifying the US attorney’s in Alexandria, Virginia, March 9, 2012 of the corruption within the Arlington County Virginia court system covering up for criminal acts of Commonwealth attorney, Commonwealth public defender, Arlington County Sheriff’s Department. By concealment of video evidence showing false, malicious unjust prosecution of Samantha Mahoney. Of March 9, 2012 by judge Clark … Read more