call for help from the Perkins state mental institution, Jessup, Maryland by inmate falsely imprisoned five Maryland judges covered up by Maryland Atty. Gen.’s office, states attorneys office, public defender’s office, and Maryland Gov.’s office. Related videos @kidnapping in Maryland on YOU TUBE , part one & part two CLICK to view the file: HERE


October 22, 2012 Washington, DC Superior Court where Judge Jeanette Clark continues her reign of terror on Lori Saxon. Courts refused to accept emergency motions of friend of the court and Lori Saxon’s emergency motion chambers judge refused to do his duty and have a hearing, forcing Lori Saxon to face hostile judge Jeanette Clark … Read more


Update from the Perkins Maryland state mental hospital regarding the criminal kidnapping and false imprisonment of a foreign national from Bulgaria by Maryland judges, attorneys, and alleged state psychiatrist to steal children. Awarded to proper custodial parents. And terrorize our citizens, additional information available @ kidnapping in Maryland on YOU TUBE.Part 1 + 2. Plus … Read more


Notifying the FBI, and the Bulgarian ambassador, of the criminal false imprisonment of a Bulgarian national by agents of Douglas Gansler’s Mafia control Maryland Atty. Gen.’s office. In direct conflict with all evidence put forth by . Where latest victim Sylvia Houzouris. on kidnapping in Maryland on You Tube . Part 1+2 , but the … Read more


live report from Clifford T Perkins mental hospital, Jessup, Maryland. Where latest victim Sylvia Houzouris. Was falsely imprisoned by Harford County judges, County states Atty., and public defender Paul De Wolfe and other members of Douglas Gansler’s Gestapo Atty. Gen.’s office along with County judges you state mental hospitals to falsely imprisoned innocent victims so … Read more


Yet another attorney turns on Jean Michaud by putting forth possibly the worst oral arguments in a case before the Court of Appeals ever recorded. Arguments and transcript have been ordered to prepare for a federal grand jury presentation. Since the defendants admitted to the judges on the bench that the deed of trust or … Read more


latest victim of Calvert County foreclosure fraud scheme, and Jean Michaud doing research on foreclosure fraud and how to defend themselves at the public library. Prince Frederick, Maryland, where alleged Dr. Teresa Grant, generating false claims to try to put Jean in the mental hospital. October 31, 2012. The judge, public defender, and states attorney … Read more


Road trip to Annapolis former FBI offices only to find office closed with no forwarding address attempting to deliver court papers for Jean Michaud victim of foreclosure fraud and Sylvia victim of false imprisonment by Perkins Mental hospital, Jessup, Maryland. . Where latest victim Sylvia Houzouris. CLICK to view the file: HERE


May 16, 2012 filed a motion with the Arlington County, Virginia Circuit Court judge Alpert notifying the court that defendant Dolores O’Brien has never been served, regarding judges alleged order may third 2012.. Of course the court will not allow anyone to see the docket ,will not allow a copy of the court docket, and … Read more


May 14, 2012 mailing off request for assistance to the FBI and Justice Department antitrust division seeking assistance with the members of Jericho Baptist Church ministries. And asking for protection for the family members of pastor Jol Peebles and the 50 excommunicated members of the church fighting to reclaim God’s house taken in a illegal … Read more