Virginia Atty. Gen.’s office and Gov.’s office too busy shaking down corporate donors for their upcoming campaign to address the request to free Ashlie Mae O’Brien, kidnapped for three years now under false pretenses names held in solitary confinement at the hallmark Detention Center with no visitors allowed to cover-up the brutal be minor child … Read more


Road trip to Washington DC. to interview Lori Saxon victim of judge Jeanette Clark DC Superior Court who now seems to have joined a criminal conspiracy to Rob Lori and her minor child of every possession they have using fraud deceit , and destruction of court documents, obstruction of justice, and false court orders to … Read more


Filing and members see motion to prevent courts from sealing the records illegally in the Ashley Mae O’Brien kidnapping and false imprisonment case in which officers and agents of the Montgomery County Court system are complicit in and covering up. The FBI, the US Justice Department, the Virginia State police, and the Maryland Atty. Gen. … Read more


Road trip to upper Marlboro Maryland District Court to witness proceedings in the matter of Davy vs Davy allegations of judicial misconduct, and collusion by between divorce husband and officers of the court to impose economic terrorism on this victim. Also trip to Montgomery County Maryland to check up on Ashley Mae O’Brien’s case and … Read more


Newly discovered evidence through the admission of the Commonwealth attorney office for Virginia. that the attorney general’s office does not work or represent the people of the Commonwealth of Virginia but only the agencies and their employees. leaving WE THE citizens with no legal representation or recourse when government agents acts deprive citizens of the … Read more


Follow-up to grand jury denial of access to victim Janice Wolk Grenadier chronicling the continuing obstruction of justice and fraud on the court by the Commonwealth of Alexandria’s attorneys office obstructing justice to cover-up for the criminal acts of court insiders subverting the law to deprive victim of her day in court . CLICK to … Read more


Grand Jury access illegally denied by Commonwealth Attorney retiring Randy Sengel while Brian Potter his handpicked successor looked on – Knowing Criminal Misconduct was taking place before him. Question Does the City of Alexandria want another corrupt Commonwealth Attorney – as Randy Sengel’s past actions have shown in past video secretjustice.com program 407 http://secretjustice.com/archives2.htm THIRD … Read more


Court of Special Appeals March 8, 2013 Filing Opposition Motions to Fraudulent Unsigned Orders – alledgedly of Judge Peter Kruser – Reviewing Case file – no signed Orders in the official Case File – Docket in disarray – Appellees have never filed response briefs as required by the court – once again a cover up … Read more


March 8, 2013 Rap up of filing of 180 requests for impeachment of all Justices in the Maryland Court of Appeals and Court of Special Appeals Peter Kruser for Malfeasance of office – issuing unsigned orders in violation of the United States Constitution and Treason against the United States CLICK to view the file: HERE


Annapolis, Maryland House of Delegates February 28, 2013. Putting all members of the house of delegates on notice that the illegal actions of the court of special appeals and Court of Appeals in issuing unsigned orders and failing to adhere to our Constitution and rule of law .jeopardizes the bond rating of the State and … Read more