A Report from Washington DC 2013 whistleblowers national convention day one of three coalition of citizen patriots, activist for legal and judicial reform in reporting of waste fraud and abuse is within our government and private organizations converge on Washington DC. To petition Congress for stronger protection rights for patriots who report violations of our … Read more


July 19, 2013 US District Court in Alexandria Virginia checking onto the cases Westport Insurance Corp. vs. Shapiro in Burson Case # 1:12-cv-70 LMB/JFA which shows a cover-up by the court of Shapiro in Burson’s frauds on 8000 Maryland residents in their foreclosure skiing using forged documents. Additionally. Cover-up appears to be happening in Bennett’s … Read more


July 17, 2013 road trip to Trenton New Jersey to check on the court docket for Lori Saxon in a New Jersey Appellate Division. Where motion to intervene has been filed alerting the court of a massive fraud on the court by the appellees and their attorneys acting under color of law and authority. Court … Read more


July 26, 2013 Annapolis Maryland filing a friend of the court motion the support of Julie Johnson victim of a attack by agents of the Anne Arundel County office of law who have been threatening and intimidating this victim for years. The court does not even have the case file for review. Even though alleged … Read more


interview outside of courthouse with witnesses who can attest to the criminal misconduct of the plaintiff’s agents and the horrific abuse of process to cover-up the criminal misconduct of court insiders hell-bent on destroying the Constitution and rule of law in this court. George McDermott officially asked Michelle Davies to act as his legal advisor … Read more


Prince George’s County Court, July 17th 2013 Michelle Davies goes before judge Nichols and Circuit Court to defend trumped up charges of child support by the gangsters in the Prince Georges County Child protective services. Resulting from the stealing of her children without a court order. Without an opportunity to defend and buy a prejudice … Read more


live reports from the Montgomery County Circuit Court building June 28, 2013 and July 1, 2013 attempting to get information on the upcoming proceedings against Shapiro in Burson predatory lenders foreclosure agents in case number 28110-M Maryland attorney grievance commission vs. McDowell, Matthew John. Et AL including Shapiro in Burson LLC. Disbarment/petition for disciplinary or … Read more


Live report from the Maryland Court of Special Appeals. And Court of Appeals building June 27, 2013 notifying the court of newly discovered evidence of fraud on the court by the appellees Shapiro and persons attorneys based on the discovery of secret papers furnish to the office of Congressman Elijah Cummings affirming fraud on the … Read more


June 26, 2013 walking the halls of Congress seeking answers as to why the US House of Representatives House oversight committee and its ranking members Darrell ISSA and Maryland’s Elisha Cummings chose to conceal reports from the Federal Housing Finance Agency showing that predatory foreclosure attorneys with Shapiro in Burson were on record as far … Read more


June 27, 2013 Interview with 2014 candidate for Maryland Lieut. Gov. Duane Davis in front of Towson Maryland Circuit Court where he outlines the criminal conduct of that court and flood he will do in office should he be elected to hold officers of the court including JUDGES, County attorneys, and LAWYERS accountable when they … Read more