REPORT from Court of Appealseport for New Jersey.Lori gives her oral arguments, meets with New Jersey Atty. Gen. to file criminal complaint. The court docket is all screwed up and appellate judges refused to allow reporter George McDermott to intervene even though court docket as of the morning of the proceedings showed reported to be … Read more


District of Columbia Atty. Gen. who manages 400 people meeting with victim of foreclosure fraud. Stating that his office has no jurisdiction to investigate yet his office has jurisdiction and authority to allegedly modify the law in favor of predatory lenders. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Victim Lori Saxon put forth a affirmative defense against the sham new foreclosure rules in the District of Columbia drafted by the attorney general and court insiders.to benefit corporate banks and predatory lenders. Strong evidence suggests the court has altered the transcript of matter that needs to be turned over to the FBI for a … Read more


National advocacy group protested front of the Cameroon Embassy Washington DC against the illegal incarceration of political prisoners/patriots falsely accused by dictator governments and their agents. CLICK to view the file: HERE


United States Supreme Court covering up frauds on the court by lower judges such as Jeanette Clark. By issuing unsigned orders and failing to be completely transparent as the Constitution requires. Also judges of this court routinely commit mail fraud by sending out unsigned orders to disenfranchise citizens of their rights and liberties and property … Read more


April 16, 2014 court continues its pattern of obstruction of justice to cover-up for judge Jeanette Clark’s and judge Tom Smith’s ongoing fraud on the court to protect predatory lenders and their attorneys. CLICK to view the file: HERE


It will never stop the corruption in this court is out of control the FBI and Justice Department need to shut it down and put judge Jeanette Clark and her associates in jail for denial of access to the rights granted citizens under the Constitution to our courts of law. And conspiracy to defraud the … Read more


Prince George’s County MD Circuit Court,judge Jeanette Clark falsifying court records coming up for criminal misconduct promoting yet further frauds on the court. Allowing secret pleadings and manipulation of the court docket to cover up her criminal misconduct and joint conspiracy with predatory lenders and their foreclosure agents acting under color of law and authority … Read more


Prince George’s County MD Circuit Court,judge Jeanette Clark covering up for the criminal misconduct of judge Thomas Smith his co-conspirators in the Friedman and MacFayden law firm, the Fisher Law Group, The Atlantic law Group. all promoting fraud on the court as judge Jeanette Clark and other justices in the court look the other way. … Read more