Road trip to FBI headquarters Baltimore County Maryland Lord Baltimore Dr., August 20th 2014 at the request of a FBI duty agent who would not identify himself or give his badge number. Only to meet with another FBI agent who also would not identify himself even while in the building, even after repeated requests, and … Read more


August 15, 2014. Road trip to United States Capital to file an official request with the Honorable Karen L. Haas Clerk of the US House of Representatives U.S. Capitol, Room H-154, where I was submitting an official written request for attested copy under seal of the oath of office of the clerk. Only to be … Read more


Lori Saxon and George McDermott discuss events of July 31, 2014 at the United States Capitol building Washington DC. Where the alleged head of the Senate media Center makes false statement that. Reporter George McDermott made a threat against him necessitating a capital wide alert and 15 officers responding to the media Center. Based on … Read more


Janice Wolk Grenadier once again disenfranchised of her rights and liberties by judge Clark of the Alexandria Virginia Circuit Court refusing defendant’s right to transcribe open court proceedings to make a record for appeal. And by imposing $50,000 worth of draconian fraudulently obtained judgments in favor of corrupted attorneys. The good old boys network at … Read more


Cassandra Fry fights for the rights of her son in Montgomery county Maryland’s Circuit Court which is trying to illegally force her to have psychiatric evaluations by court insiders. Even though the court has in its records proved beyond a reasonable doubt that Washington state psychologist. Dean her to be a fit mother in a … Read more


Janice Wolk Grenadier once again disenfranchised of her rights and liberties by judge Clark of the Alexandria Virginia Circuit Court refusing defendant’s right to transcribe open court proceedings to make a record for appeal. And by imposing $50,000 worth of draconian fraudulently obtained judgments in favor of corrupted attorneys. The good old boys network at … Read more


Alexandria Virginia Circuit Court judge Clark and others subvert the law. To threaten and intimidate a victim and witness which court testimony recorded on transcript by court reporter as JW Grenadier outlines instances of judicial corruption, obstruction of justice and most disturbing how the court instructed through agents Alona Grenadier who allegedly hired a hitman … Read more


Maryland’s corrupt judicial system added again denying justice to a victim who was sentenced illegally to a mental institution over nine years ago after public defender prosecutor and judge conspired to falsely imprison this gentleman all of whom have been sanctioned for their criminal misconduct but still hold office. To add insult to injury original … Read more


Administrative offices of the United States Court still promoting judicial terrorism by refusing to produce authenticity of change in the Constitution authorizing judges to issue sham unsigned orders disenfranchising our citizens of their legal rights and liberties properties and in some cases their lives. Contact your Congressman and demand a grand jury investigation. CLICK to … Read more


Follow-up to the US Supreme Court. Discussion at New York city University Washington DC. Supreme Court of the United States out of control. Not acting in conformity with the Constitution and rule of law. CLICK to view the file: HERE