George McDermott and Janice Grenadier leaving courthouse Bladensburg Maryland. Where judge Denton issued outrageous opinion. And openly pronounced it was at the direction of court officers above him. In violation of his oath of office and employment contract to give full fare in honest services. CLICK to view the file: HERE


US District Court. Clerk’s office will validate alleged order sending case back to Tom Reinheimer and also will not produce the case file for Judge Everett Benson Legg certifying the judges in Maryland cannot hold office over the age of 70. CLICK to view the file: HERE


April 2, 2015 US District Court Baltimore Maryland. Clerk of the court sends back Tom Reinheimer’s motion for habeas corpus for brother Richard Reinheimer. Technicalities should never outweigh the quest for justice in our courts. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Mark Tomie another victim. Of Maryland’s broking judicial system which has raped robbed and destroy his family. With unsigned orders and judges who are prohibited by law from sitting on the bench brought in as retired judges. To practice judicial terrorism on our citizens. And to die all citizens THEIR due process rights at law, … Read more


Citizen George McDermott notifying legislative leaders in the Senate. That Maryland counties are in noncompliance with international human rights standards jeopardizing the counties in state bonds as private corporations. Through the officers and agents failure to form honest services CLICK to view the file: HERE


Suppression of the press. At the Maryland Statehouse media Center as reporters are restricted from notifying other reporters of any affairs regarding corruption in our courts or our legal system as well as our legislature. CLICK to view the file: HERE


March 31, 2015. Petitioning the Maryland general assembly for an investigation into the use of unsigned orders in the Maryland Courts of Appeals. Again its citizens and the harm that the unsigned orders do to our society CLICK to view the file: HERE


Witness to the forced eviction of the Reinheimer family without a warrant describes the Sheriff’s office use of a 27 member SWAT team and multiple other officers. To evict a woman in a 12-year-old child. Knowingly order he had was illegal in the case was on appeal. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Richard Reinheimer finally gets to talk to family in the midst of an horrendous eviction and based on unsigned orders, forged banknotes and court papers false testimony of arresting officers and, yet no officer will step up and produce orders. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Queen Anne’s County residents fleeing the County because of the outright corruption and the criminal misconduct of Sheriff acting as enforcers for corporate in crisis and special interest groups. In violation of his oath of office CLICK to view the file: HERE