February 13, 2023. Delivering papers for and gathering evidence in the Maryland Supreme Court which is rubberstamping fraudulent order judgments and decrees to steal victims of foreclosure fraud property with forged unsigned unverifiable orders. CLICK to view the file: HERE


February 13, 2023. Delivering papers for and gathering evidence in the Maryland Supreme Court which is rubberstamping fraudulent order judgments and decrees to steal victims of foreclosure fraud property with forged unsigned unverifiable orders. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Received an opening mail from the US District Court, DC Court of Appeals, and US Department of Justice civil rights division no one has jurisdiction over fraud committed by judges and court clerks no one will sign their name to a document stealing assets of victims of judicial terrorism. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Received an opening mail from the US District Court, DC Court of Appeals, and US Department of Justice civil rights division no one has jurisdiction over fraud committed by judges and court clerks no one will sign their name to a document stealing assets of victims of judicial terrorism. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Timothy flowers victim of Judicial terrorism, false arrest, false imprisonment, and theft of millions of dollars in property by Charles County MD Circuit Court Judges Nally and Chapelle to give to their inside corporate buddies. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Timothy flowers victim of Judicial terrorism, false arrest, false imprisonment, and theft of millions of dollars in property by Charles County MD Circuit Court Judges Nally and Chapelle to give to their inside corporate buddies. CLICK to view the file: HERE


12/30/2022. Road trip to Annapolis, Elkton Maryland, rising Sun Maryland and back to Annapolis for Sherry Eveland, Deborah made as TERRORIST JUDGES, ignore the rule of law to protect fellow lying lawyers and the American Bar Association’s thieving members CLICK to view the file: HERE


filing and mailing judicial complaints against six DC Superior Court and landlord-tenant court judges were trying to steal Lori sections house with forged documents orders and decrees. CLICK to view the file: HERE


filing and mailing judicial complaints against six DC Superior Court and landlord-tenant court judges were trying to steal Lori sections house with forged documents orders and decrees. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Road trip to Elkton Maryland or Sherry Eveland victim of judicial terrorist who sold $18 million of her father’s estate yet the DOJ and FBI and Maryland state prosecutors office refused to investigate as they tried vigorously to put her in jail for misdemeanor offense. Delivered papers to the Maryland Supreme Court on her behalf. … Read more