January 14, 2016 live report from Annapolis Maryland office of the state court administrations delivering PIA you request on judge Morrissey regarding the illegal assignment of retired judges also delivering documents to Maryland Court of Appeals.. And reviewing cases at the Maryland Court of Special Appeals Involving probate fraud cover-up of over alleged $16 million.. … Read more


January 13, 2016 wrapup of days events to victims being terrorized by Maryland courts using forged court orders falsified pleadings and clerks of the court 80 and abetting and fraud on the court and the victims by failing to provide honest services as the law requires neither of the clerks offices would produce requested documents … Read more


Leonardtown Maryland St. Mary’s County District Court brings in a ringer retired judge from Kent County Maryland to cover-up for the criminal misconduct of the associate judges in St. Mary’s County and the corrupt family services magistrate and his partner in the Harris and Capristo law firm terrorizing the citizens of St. Mary’s County and … Read more


January 8, 2016 reporter leaving Supreme Court in disbelief everyone needs to contact Senator Grassley’s office and sign the online petition to the president supporting his valiant efforts at meaningful judicial reform https://petitions.whitehouse.gov//petition/support-senator-chuck-grassleys-bill-provide-inspector-general-judiciary-et-al-protect-all-americans. End of days events. CLICK to view the file: HERE


January 8th 2016 George McDermott report from inside US Supreme Court regarding Shapiro vs. Mackey case involved FRAUDULENT GERRYMANDERING OF MARYLAND’S CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. Court which paralegal would not allow filed copies of candidate George McDermott intervention which now must be filed with the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals see programs 824, 825, 826, 836, 838, … Read more


January 8th 2016 preparing deliver documents to the Senate Judiciary committee supporting chairman Grassley’s proposed legislation for the appointment of an independent Inspector General for the US court system. Which fellow committee members do not want to support WHY ???? CLICK to view the file: HERE


January 7th 2016 appellant George McDermott leaving the post office after discovering the latest scam by the Maryland Court of Appeals. Judges using economic terrorism. And trying to treat a prehearing information report as an appellant brief. To deny victim of judicial fraud’s his rights. CLICK to view the file: HERE


January 7th 2016 mailing court filed motion to correct the record showing hundreds of discrepancies in transcript of the false imprisonment of Richard Reinheimer and the theft of millions of dollars of his property by Queen Anne’s County courts and a fictitious retired Judge and states attorney. CLICK to view the file: HERE


January 7th 2016 Maryland court watch news reporter leaving administrative offices Maryland court system public information office, they can find the request will have to send verification by email, yet the appellate courts keep sending unsigned unverifiable forged orders to citizens. CLICK to view the file: HERE


January 7th 2016 leaving Maryland judicial training center public information officer not available at that site. Directed to another location. CLICK to view the file: HERE