Wrapping up delivering documents to all members of the general assembly in the Senate office building also delivering white papers opposing house and Senate bills on foreclosure and special assignment of retired Judges once again in violation of the Maryland Constitution as they are age part and there must be a constitutional amendment to stop … Read more


Leaving capital building Annapolis Maryland 1/26/2017 state police believe it’s a joke that nobody can file criminal complaints against judges and state and county employees even when it involves the theft of $19 million through probate fraud by sham judges CLICK to view the file: HERE


1/26/2017 once again Court of Appeals no signed orders and Sherry Ray Eveland’s case writ of prohibition and writ of mandamus dismissed in today’s in violation of the Constitution, CLICK to view the file: HERE


Leaving the house of delegates heading to media Center and the Maryland state police capital building trying to get information on filing criminal complaint against Cecil County and Baltimore city judges conspiring to steal $19 million from the estate of James Ray Charles CLICK to view the file: HERE


1/24/2017 Annapolis Maryland putting delegates on notice as to unconstitutionality of legislation passed in 2011 real property conflicts with the U.S. Constitution therefore is void CLICK to view the file: HERE


US District Court Washington DC January 23, 2017 clerk refuses to produce certified signed orders of Judge Amit P Mathis and wants $10 per every certified unsigned document that he produces even though it’s needed for the Court of Federal claims. CLICK to view the file: HERE


January 23, 2017 court of Federal claims filing papers timely discovered online docket does not match the courts docket entry substantially wrong CLICK to view the file: HERE


Friday the 13 January 2017 George McDermott forced to pay another hundred and $20 for forged attachments of unsigned orders and forged orders by the clerks of the court for the Maryland Court of Appeals and court of special appeals engaged in a conspiracy against legal and civil rights against the victims family George McDermott … Read more


Friday the 13 January 2017 interview with victim of probate fraud from Elkton Maryland in front of the court of special appeals Annapolis victim outlines the courts are stealing with unsigned orders and fictitious judges $18 million from her father’s estate yet no one in the court will do anything and will be sued under … Read more


Friday the 13 January 2017 leaving the Circuit Court for Prince George’s County Maryland after being ripped off by the court which illegally certified a rubberstamp seal not the original of sham orders from the Courts of special Appeals . Documents to be furnished to the US Court of Federal claims as evidence of of … Read more