Sherry Ray Eveland desperately ill after leaving the court where there trying to kill her to silence the theft of tens of millions of dollars of her father’s estate by Leonard Wilson Esq., James Dallmeyer Esq., William Riddle Esq. with the help of the office of Atty. Gen. of Maryland convicted state’s attorney general Rollins … Read more


February 8, 2017 interview with Jody Eveland Senior outlining how Elkton Maryland judges and attorneys Leonard Wilson Esq., James Dallmeyer Esq., William Riddle Esq. have stolen everything his family rightfully deserves with the conspiracy involving Elkton Maryland judges and fictitious judge Charles Bernstein all with the orphans court for Maryland. Outlines stocks being undervalued property … Read more


February 8 2017 conspiracy against rights continues in Circuit Court Traffic Ct., Elkton, MD judge refuses to allow defendant the right to a jury trial as all other parties are given officers of states Attorney’s office illegally fighting for incarceration to cover-up the bosses criminal misconduct in the theft of $18 million in the estate … Read more


February 8, 2017 arriving in Elkton Maryland after stopping by state police barracks Pikesville Maryland two delivered documents on behalf of Sherry Ray Eveland asking for a criminal investigation of theft of 18+ million dollars in father’s inheritance by Elkton Maryland lawyers William Riddle Esq. Leonard Wilson Esq. James Dallmeyer Esq. and states Attorney Rollins. … Read more


February 1, 2017 court of Federal claims sends out a rubberstamp order stating that they do not have any jurisdiction over the circuit District Court for the United States falsely and secondly they had no jurisdiction or authority under title 42 USC 1983 conspiracy by government agents to undermine the integrity of our nation’s judicial … Read more


Road trip to Pikesville Maryland January 31, 2017 state police main headquarters/ barracks only to find out the criminal investigation unit of Maryland state police is being kept secret. Victims Sherry Ray Eveland and George McDermott proceeded to the FBI headquarters Lord Baltimore Drive and would more where citizens are no longer allowed to speak … Read more


January 30, 2017 wrapping up events in Annapolis Maryland having delivered 240 copies of opposition to legislative rules that would undermine the Constitution of Maryland and make debt slaves out of our citizens by putting the burden of proof on victims of white-collar crime to protect the criminal misconduct Maryland Bar Association members. CLICK to … Read more


Three victims leaving the Senate Judiciary committee room whose losses have amounted to over $50 million because of corruption in the Maryland court system all being covered up by judicial corruption of the chief judge of the state of Maryland the Maryland Atty. Gen.’s office stored Cordish and legislative personnel looking to undermine our Constitution … Read more


January 30, 2017 leaving the state house Annapolis Maryland Having delivered to the media copies of opposition to house bills that would allow the courts to put the burden of proof on the victims of white-collar crime to prove that the courts were not acting in a criminal conspiracy to undermine our Constitution and rule … Read more


1/26/2017 leaving the reception put on by St. Mary’s city historical preservation committee spoke with senators and their staff members who are unaware of the level of corruption in Maryland courts and the illegal practice of issuing unsigned orders with phony judges CLICK to view the file: HERE