Interview with Elizabeth Johnson witness to the proceedings and Alexandria’s federal court where once again rights of victims of wrongful foreclosure have been violated by the court, and Judge Ellis denying even a motions hearing on motions to intervene and motions to correct the record/reconsideration of alleged dismissal order February 3, 2017. CLICK to view … Read more


Road trip to Annapolis Maryland with victim of foreclosure fraud and judicial abuse from Prince Georges County Maryland Patricia Washington seeking an extension of time to file brief and discovering new evidence of attorney fraud on the court in the case file, when will it stop. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Enterview with Elizabeth Johnson Prince Georges County Maryland NAACP chairman of housing coalition Re: meeting with Prince Georges County Sheriff’s Department and senior judge Tilson Adams seventh judicial circuit abuse of the court and shares departments foreclosure procedures. 2/2/17 CLICK to view the file: HERE


Court of Federal claims clerks office once again acting in violation of its oath of office denying 97.46% of all pro se litigants rights illegally and access to justice in the court of Federal claims sending back previously date stamped pleadings and keeping a false court docket. Case 17 – CV – 09 George McDermott … Read more


February 24, 2017 United States District Court Alexandria Virginia in the matter of Janice woke Grenadier v. The state of Virginia, city of Alexandria Virginia, Federal Bureau of investigation, and the United States Department of Justice joint defendants cases 1 17 – CV – 166 TSE underlying case for false imprisonment 14 – CV – … Read more


February 2017 11 AM just as predicted US District Court Judge Ellis and others issued a secret order dismissing case so that pro se litigant would not be allowed to make a record for appeal joining in the conspiracy to defraud the citizen of her due process rights at law and equal protection under the … Read more


February 24, 2017 getting ready to testify or Janice woke Grenadier US Federal courthouse at Regency hearing scheduled for 10 AM.???? Unusual nice 97 6% relief prayed for illegally see attachments. CLICK to view the file: HERE


C/Pack Convention 2017 National Harbor media censorship and q2/23/2017discrimination against independent media sources the cover-up goes on. Previously media no longer allowed access to event. CLICK to view the file: HERE


February 22, 2017 here we go again court of Federal claims live report having to file a motion for new trial/hearing based on the latest false claims of the court has no jurisdiction to address constitutional matters, civil rights matters, fraud on the court by government agents and assigns, court allegedly has no jurisdiction of … Read more


2 reports from the house and Senate proof of delivery 230 copies to the chambers of each member and media regarding HB 1191 prohibiting clerks of the court from signing court papers and modification to the courts in judicial proceedings rules for the state of Maryland. Once again clerk’s office cannot produce a copy of … Read more