United States District Court Alexandria filing motion for motions hearing JW Grenadier’s bankruptcy and supplementing the court record with the proof of 114 video showing video record of 114+ court proceedings denying justice to JW Grenadier including false testimony by bankruptcy judge and US trustee. CLICK to view the file: HERE


April 2, 2017 Washington DC Hart office building and US Supreme Court protesting the use of unsigned forged orders of the court’s. And state and federal courts dismissal of 97.46% of all pro se litigants cases illegally. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Superior Court for DC follow-up court reporter’s office refuses to allow audio CDs to be produced from blue boy enhancing the cost on victims wanting a transcript of proceedings in the courts in violation of the court rules. CLICK to view the file: HERE


March 31, 2017 Lori Saxon and witnesses outline further abuse of justice from DC Superior Court working with foreclosure mills to illegally steal her home even though they are not registered agents. And are violating rules CLICK to view the file: HERE


Live report US District Court Alexandria Virginia Judge Hilton denies justice by refusing to allow the plaintiff to appear at a scheduled motions hearing working in lockstep with the other named defendants US and US DOJ agents CLICK to view the file: HERE


Journal entry Prince George’s County MD land records tax assessors showing sham theft of property affirmed by court land records and tax assessors office against Atlantic Law Group & him and T Bank Corporation CLICK to view the file: HERE


March 25-28 coverage up all Cummings trying to 10 have his children returned being held illegally in Canada by child protective services no one in the US or Canadian government is being responsive including FBI. CLICK to view the file: HERE


President trumps bandwagon supporting children’s rights movement at Lafayette Park across from the White House March 25, 2017. Hopefully the message of these injured citizens reaches Pres. Trump. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Coverage family and children’s rights rally against child trafficking Lafayette Park Washington DC protesting child trafficking in the United States and the failure of our government to protect innocent children from sex trafficking. March 25, 2017 CLICK to view the file: HERE


Interviewing representatives from family rights groups and decoded nation Indians at Department of Agriculture outlining suit against the US government were breaking of treaties and infringement on sovereign rights of native Indians protected under worthless treaties and government promises. CLICK to view the file: HERE