Victim Lori Saxon files for US bankruptcy protection and involuntary act caused by the criminal misconduct of court officers and agents helping foreclosure firms steal thousands of homes in the District of Columbia with forged documents falsified court records and cronyism involving her husband’s and the Sapperstein current syndicates. Ongoing treasonous actions to undermined and … Read more


Reporter George McDermott /intervener denied any proof by the clerks of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals office any of the documents requested in motion to intervene court will not produce any signed orders, will not produce any electronic verification that any judge saw the documents, court will not produce oath of office required … Read more


Lori Saxons filing at the US Supreme Court requesting emergency assistance from Chief Justice Roberts to stay the illegal foreclosure of her property scheduled for 11/02/2017. Will this court under its oath of office US Const, Art. 6 Sec. 1, 2, 3. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Making filing with the clerk of the House of Representatives and all members of the US House ethics committee to get to the bottom of Congressman Brown’s false assertions that court’s, judges, and government documents no longer need to be verifiable with wet ink signatures in violation of.United States criminal code 18 USC 2381, 2382, … Read more


Humanitarian help to victim Lori Saxon 10/27/2017 lawyers and judges trying to steal her home while committing treason against the Constitution with forged documents and court orders in violation of their oath of office United States criminal code 18 USC 2381, 2382, 2383, and 2384 video of days events. CLICK to view the file: HERE


October 20, 2017 Supreme Court of the United States Eveland v. The state of Maryland USCA 4th case #16 – 2385. More unsigned forged court documents court clerk joints and conspiracy to steal $18 million from the estate falsified court papers oath of office 5 USC 3331/ 3333 & 7311 and 18 USC 505 see … Read more


October 20, 2017 Capitol Hill US Federal court courthouse Washington DC filing for new trial in District Court under FRCP rule 59 and 60 (b) court officers violating oath of office 5 USC 3331/ 3333 & 7311. See [Att. 1]. And furthering there blatant disrespecting oath of office 18 USC Ch. 115: TREASON, SEDITION, AND … Read more


October 20, 2017 leaving the office of the Federal election commission after filing financial disclosure form candidate has not been able to concentrate on campaign terrorism by state and federal judges violating their oath of office under 5 USC 3331/ 3333 & 7311. See [Att. 3]. CLICK to view the file: HERE


October 20, 2017 exiting US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Washington DC in disbelief that even this court is engaged in blatant disrespecting oath of office 18 USC Ch. 115: TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES and 18 USC 505 Falsifying Ct. papers [Att – 1- 2] not docketing papers in accordance to the … Read more


October 20, 2017 delivering papers to the US Court of Federal claims motion for new trial challenging that court’s criminal misconduct case number 17 – 0009 disrespecting oath of office 18 USC Ch. 115: TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES and 18 USC 505 Falsifying Ct. papers [Att – 1- 2] [Att.- 2-3 ] CLICK to … Read more