January 5, 2018 plaintiff George McDermott gathering evidence US District Court for District of Columbia court is playing with the docket refusing to docket motion to reopen case number 98 – 1235 Thomas Pinfield Jackson case against the United States Justice Department and the American Bar Association for treason against the Constitution running a RICO … Read more


January 5, 2018 plaintiff George McDermott files motion to reopen fraudulently close case with forged unsigned orders United States Ct. of federal claims Washington DC defendants are the Department of Justice and its agents and assigns and the state of Maryland Atty. Gen. and their agents and assigns for conspiracy to commit treason and failure … Read more


January 3, 2018 PG County Circuit Court upper Marlboro Maryland court put on notice case number 15 – CAL – 08704 George McDermott moving to strike all the forged unsigned orders of the court received from the court of special appeals and the orders of judge Leo Green and putting the court on notice case … Read more


January 1, 2017 United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia putting court on notice that appellant is reopening cases and lower courts and appellant demands that this court’s case number 17 – 7081 which is been put on abeyance by the clerk of the court be allowed to move forward as a … Read more


December 29 & 30th 2017 filing a motion in US District Court case number 98 – CV – 1235 Thomas Pin field case covering up fraud and conspiracy committed by the US Department of Justice and the American Bar Association case filed in 1998 20 years later everything asserted by the plaintiff George McDermott is … Read more


December 27, 2017 wrapup of the days events Charles Co. Circuit Court judges destroying the life of Timothy flowers and engaged in the theft of millions of dollars of his father and grandfather’s estate, Lori Saxon still suffering under economic terrorism by DC judges do an illegal in rem foreclosure even though they are not … Read more


December 12 2017 Lori Saxon denied citizen right to file a complaint with the DC Police Department against predatory debt collectors and her husband and his attorneys attempting to steal her property evaluated of her $2 million with false documents forged court documents and now using the court’s latest technique trying to have her declared … Read more


December 13, 2017 Charles Co. Maryland circuit and District Court separation and divorce can never be easy but one side cannot prevail over the other using false allegations and accusations. CLICK to view the file: HERE


December 21, 2017 unsigned unverifiable orders never stop coming none of the courts are acting in conformity with their oath of office U.S. Constitution treason is abundant in our judicial branch of government failing to provide honest services US criminal code title 18 USC 2382, 2383 check it out for yourselves CLICK to view the … Read more


November 30, 2017 gathering in front of MD Court of Appeals NAACP group, Maryland court watch news, and representative Deborah Mead standing up for citizens rights giving support to consumer advocacy groups efforts to defeat ABA members frivolous arguments the debt collectors do not need to be licensed in order to have standing in the … Read more