Road trip to Annapolis Maryland 1/23/2018 to visit all the offices of the house and Senate delivering a FOIA request asking each representative to answer 7 simple questions. See attachment I believe these questions are pertinent to all Americans who believe our court system of injustice for most has been compromised.​ CLICK to view the … Read more


More extortion and mail fraud by the Maryland Court of Appeals received January 20, 2018 petition being made to the entire Maryland general assembly January 21 requesting sponsors for house and Senate resolutions to investigate treason in the Court of Appeals in court of special appeals management illegally assigning judges without oath of office. And … Read more


January 18, 2018 George McDermott reaches out to the general public for volunteers and financial support to help fight the abuses of our nation’s courts promoting foreign law over our Constitution which our own leadership surrendered December 26, 1930 349 statute 3097 Treaty series 881 (convention of rights and duties of the states) however no … Read more


January 16, 2018 educating the public on how the court robs you with forged unsigned court orders which are noncompliant with our Constitution and amounts to treason against the Constitution by the judges, law clerks, and ABA members facilitating white-collar fraud on or citizens using their fellow bar members and black robes behind the bench … Read more


January 12, 2018 2nd segment revisiting United States Courts in DC to get docket sheets of the 3 court cases USDC case numbers 98 – CV – 1235 George McDermott versus United States Department of Justice and the American Bar Association for criminal conspiracy as a criminal monopoly also 16 CV 00532 APM George McDermott … Read more


January 12, 2018 segment one filing motion to have the court reconsider its alleged unsigned order of January 5, 2018 at 5:45 AM 2 perfect the record. Case #17 – 1781 United States Court of Appeals District of Columbia defendants state of Maryland Atty. Gen.’s office et,al for conspiracy to obstruct justice in the theft … Read more


January 10, 2018 unsigned forged orders keep coming United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia case #17 – 1781 George McDermott versus state of Maryland et al. another forged unsigned order from the court. At this point there over 100 judges involved in this conspiracy against legal rights and remedies of our … Read more


January 10, 2018 3nd segment US District Court Judge Richmond Virginia joins 44 other state and federal judges in conspiracy to deprive citizen Janice Wolk Grenadier of her due process rights by issuing a fraudulent deliberately misstated order dismissing her case and George McDermott’s motion to intervene to prevent a miscarriage of justice. Judge even … Read more


Paul Cummings father of 11 all children have been kidnapped by CPS and are being trafficked in the Florida CPS system and now in the Colorado CPS system where judge on 27 December 2017 instead of acting in accordance with his oath of office illegally held Paul in contempt of court presenting the truth to … Read more


US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia continues to act in direct violation of their oath of office issuing yet more forged unsigned unverifiable orders in violation of their oath of office as defined under article 6 sections 1 and 2 of the U.S. Constitution motion for reconsideration will be filed in conjunction … Read more