Plaintiff George McDermott’s motion for the United States District Court 16 – CV 532 that judge strike the sham nonconforming order of March 9, 2018 as it is not in conformity with the rules of the court the judge in the clerk’s office have now waived any immunity for failure to act in good faith … Read more


March 19 receiving yet more unsigned forged documents and noncompliant court orders by US mail denying plaintiffs demand that the court clerk and judges produce their oath of office and affidavits of employment GAO document SF 69 a mandatory requirement for court officers can take their seat as official judges of the United States or … Read more


More unsigned unverifiable orders from the United States District Court noncompliant sham documents meant to deceive and meant to be mail fraud plus response filed 7:30 PM March 17, 2018 notifying all officers of the court of plaintiff’s intention to notify all 535 members of the house and Senate to report this criminal misconduct in … Read more


St. Patrick’s Day 2018 more falsified unsigned documents in the United States Court of Appeals and United States District Court furthering a conspiracy against rights by court officers and agents of the Atlantic Law group, M&T Bank Corporation, BB&T Bank Corporation and the Sapperstein crime syndicate in the theft of the court of million dollars … Read more


George McDermott victims rights advocate hand delivered a copy of 2nd demand to all members of the Maryland general assembly and Senate for these offices to identify constitutional amendments allowing judges to issue unsigned orders and for other judges and members of the general assembly are still actually citizens of the United States after taking … Read more


March 10 – 11 2018 report US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia US District Court still sending out forged unsigned orders file a motion to compel production of originals and production of employment affidavit which must be On premises of the court GAO required documents SF 61. CLICK to view the file: … Read more


March 7 and March 9 2018 Charles County Maryland Ct. system and again the 9th pro se litigants rights attempting to deny jury trial, illegally denying access to audio transcripts, and not taking action against attorneys and states attorney’s failure to provide honest services in compliance with their oath of office. CLICK to view the … Read more


Follow-up report February 15, 2018 program 1132 St. Mary’s County Maryland Circuit Court hearing in Michelle’s case February 27, 2017 reporter was so disturbed by happenings in the courtroom that he purchased a audio transcript to alert the citizens of Maryland as to how unfair the courts are and how judicial tyranny and terrorism destroys … Read more


February 19, 2018 Road trip to Washington DC US Court of Appeals demand to the Chief Justice Merrick Garland to identify whether he is a foreign agent posing 6 questions as to the courts jurisdiction newly discovered evidence leads one to believe that in 1933 and 45 the Congress sold out the United States to … Read more


Report February 15, 2018 request for emergency help from Michelle Bordelais asking that I forwarded information to Department of Defense hotline, US office of personnel management 1900 East St. NW. 4th and to the NCIS regarding years of domestic abuse against Michelle by an abusive ex-husband employed by the Leonardtown Nava air department of defense … Read more