April 24, 2018 Charles County Maryland District Court part 1 of 2 witnessing case involving prosecutorial misconduct, perjury, and outright fraud on the court costing the victim $250,000 in losses. Reporter will be making a report to the judge asking for an investigation into Charles County states Attorney’s office misconduct, CLICK to view the file: … Read more


April 23, 2018 once again Prince George’s County Circuit Court Maryland filing proof of service against M&T BANK attempt to get triple sealed copies of latest court orders. Judge has them secretive in chambers will follow up any court orders issued are void as they were procured by criminal misconduct of the judges and banks … Read more


April 20, 2018 Road trip to upper Marlboro Maryland Circuit Court filing $170,000 mechanics lien against M&T Bank corporate case number CAE 10 – 07351 Bank and alleged trustees transfer deed of trust while case was on appeal illegally, report being made to the IRS against BB&T Bank & M&T conspiracy to commit tax fraud … Read more


March 12, 2018 MCW NEWS report from St. Mary’s County Maryland District Court and Circuit Court yet another visiting judge without oath of office in the case of Michelle Bourdelais. Kevin Hill states attorney & Lawrence Hill alleged visiting judge without oath of office commit treason and extortion against defendant Michelle Bordelaise and her daughters … Read more


March 11, 2018 MCW NEWS report from Elkton Maryland orphans court/Circuit Court & Annapolis C0SA courts covering up theft of $18,000,000 of the state funds by corrupt lawyers and judge Charles Bernstein who does not even have an oath of office also committing treason against the Constitution CLICK to view the file: HERE


March 10, 2018 MCW NEWS report from United States District Court for District of Columbia case # 98 – CV – 1235 TPJ court refuses to accept motion to reopen issuing forged noncompliant orders. To cover-up the criminal misconduct of the defendants the American Bar Association and US Justice Department, CLICK to view the file: … Read more


March 29 and April 4-5 2018 MCW NEWS report on corruption in Maryland 7th judicial circuit court system victim Michelle Bordelaise being deceased of her 2 process rights by fictitious judges without oath of office in a conspiracy against rights against victim and her family while committing treason 18 USC 2342 – 43. CLICK to … Read more


March 29, 2018 MCW NEWS report from Charles County Maryland Circuit Court perfecting the record for a victim where the court is denying required jury trial and denying release of audio CDs defendant needs showing abuse of process by opposing counsel and state actors exceeding the jurisdiction and authority CLICK to view the file: HERE


March 26, 2018 MCW NEWS report from Montgomery County Maryland Circuit Court newly discovered evidence court is covering up and supporting foreclosure fraud which is caused 78,000,000 Americans are’s since 2006. CLICK to view the file: HERE


March 24, 2018 Report from Washington DC filing papers with the US District Court contesting forged falsified court order case # 98 – CV – 1235 TPJ and inspiration from the March for life to save our schoolchildren with over 800,000 attending. CLICK to view the file: HERE