Looking for evidence that a “Judge” is not a Judge? Look at their oath. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Prince George’s County Maryland Circuit Court continuing to destroy the lives of Michelle Bourdelais judge Tilson Adams, Judge Lawrence Hill, and Judge Aleves. Engaged in joint conspiracy to deprive the citizens of Maryland of their lawful rights through falsification of court records and use of mandatorily age-related retired judges barred under our Constitution from sitting … Read more


The cover-up continues United States office of authentication for the US Department of State refuses to produce oath of offices of judges as required by law of which they are the custodians of record of. And valid standing US treaties under seal to be sent to the UN High Commissioner on international human rights offices … Read more


June 22 and 23 filing responsive papers and Prince George’s County Maryland Circuit Court to alleged orders of June 20 denying in court hearings and motions for strike in recuse previously forged orders by the court upon arriving home defendant found evidence that court of special appeals judge Woodward and PT County alleged judges had … Read more


June 22, 2018 report from the Maryland court of special appeals. After filing motions contesting the criminal misconduct of Judge Woodward and the clerk of the court acting in lockstep with the Circuit Court judges and committing treason against the Constitution and fraud on the court. By denying appellant’s right to prehearing conferences an appearance … Read more


June 17, 2018 father’s day rally US capital West lawn to educate citizens on the abuses within family services and CPS short full full speeches to be posted later, CLICK to view the file: HERE


Report on US District Court Alexandria Virginia 16th day of June 2018 received yet another sham order from the court clerk indicating Judge Henry Hudson has chosen to commit treason against the Constitution by denying intervenors motion and failing to recuse himself in the matter of Janice woke Grenadier where he hired his own personal … Read more


June 15, 2018 candidate George McDermott casts his ballot/voter in the 2018 primary candidate running unopposed for U.S. Congress Maryland’s 4th congressional district. As a Republican candidate. No one at the polling site could answer the question regarding the UN treaty of 1933, 45, and 48. Turning all walls in the United States over to … Read more


Emergency petition to the UN High Commissioner and counsel for international human rights asking for intervention on behalf of the citizens of the corporate state of the United States states Inc. who have failed to comply with UN treaties and international law. Turning America into a nation of debt slaves for the benefit of wealthy … Read more


May 23, 2018 United Department of Justice office of the OIG investigators staff continuing treason against the Constitution, waste fraud and abuse in mail fraud sending out phony unsigned papers denying jurisdiction to address fraud and criminal misconduct under title 18 of the United States criminal code and treason against the Constitution 18 USC 2342. … Read more