September 25, 2018 Road trip to Annapolis Maryland to meet Sherry Ray Eveland and Sam Brenda check case files and pick up yet more unsigned orders from that court also filing a claim against the state of Maryland’s insurance, bond with the State Treas.’s office seeking $100,000,000 in compensatory and punitive damages, CLICK to view … Read more


Events of the 13th day of September 2018, notifying members of the US Senate and House of Representatives for Maryland of the discovery of unsigned orders received from the MD. COSA case files of the 3 victims verifying that 90% of all orders from that court are forged and the judges are committing treason against … Read more


Courts neglect to address fraud on the court by alleged debt collectors and their agents leads to squatter possessing property at 8324 Bock Rd. threatening neighbors please called . However, they refused to take action directing victim to court magistrates office. As previous video showcases still on appeal yet alleged debt collectors and put another … Read more


Reports of 8/31/2018 also 9/3/2018. Both regarding Maryland court of COSA’s refusal to prevent theft of property by alleged debt collectors using forged falsified documents property of the McDermott’s and 8324 Bock Rd., Fort, WA, Maryland. 10 years, no signed orders from any court of appeals, any US District Court, any US Court of Appeals, … Read more


Report from Anne Arundel County Maryland C0SA eldercare advocate the Johnson outlines what’s happening in the County by displacement of longtime citizens from mobile home parks to make way for upscale apartments no low income housing available for displaced citizens waiting list of over 500 applicants with no available low income housing. In Maryland’s 4th … Read more


short version of program 1196 US post office Clinton Maryland notifying court by certified US mail, return receipt sent and received a request for permission to address federal grand jury in US District Court as required by statute law citizens seeking to present as a private attorney general sense, the DOJ and its agents refused … Read more


August 29, 2018 mailing off request Chief Judge US District Court DC for permission to have a right to present evidence to the federal grand jury. As a private attorney general regarding judicial fraud and corruption in state and federal courts, waste fraud and abuse by federal employees allowing alleged debt collectors to steal trillions … Read more


August 30, 2018 mailing off certified mail to MD COSA motion for extension of time to file. Appellant brief due to newly discovered evidence of conspiracy by and between clerks of the courts or Maryland, US District Court for DC, US Court of Appeals for DC, US court of Federal Claims DC and the US … Read more


Report of August 30, 2018. US District Court DC. And US COA DC once again refused to produce signed orders, refused refused to produce oath of office, refused to produce required (there OMB SJ 61 signed forms/affidavits of employment required under law) . Continuing criminal cover-up of ABA/DOJ. Frauds on the court and treason against … Read more


August 22/23, 2018 Prince George’s County Circuit Court case number CAE 10 – 07351 demanding signed when alleged ratification hearing to be held and in what court court clerk had no idea nothing on the docket, judge’s chambers stated no such hearing would take place once again secret proceedings by a rope judge now co-conspirator … Read more